View Full Version : shipping from usa

09-27-04, 05:11 PM
Hi i was wondering if you need to have inport liecense to get ball pythons from the states, also what apendix does the ball python fall under 1,2, or 3.

Thanks any info will be appreciated

09-27-04, 05:46 PM
you need paper work to get it to Canada, and I'll tell you now it's a pain in the A$S.

Ball pythons are CITES II animals and need all the paperwork that goes with them. It usually takes about 2 months (or so) to actually get the animal in your hands (if everything checks out and is approved)

Personally I wouldn't bother getting one shipped from there unless they are used to doing the paperwork for bp's and do it at no charge (some places do). Other than that, anything you want, you can find here in Canada, maybe not for as good of a price, but you can find it!

Good luck!


09-27-04, 11:56 PM
Jessy; Hate to knock the breeders here in Canada, but not much can be found here BP-wise in COMPARISON to the States. Also, as the receiver you DO NOT have to have a CITES import licence to receive animals, that's the responsibility of teh shipper, though it is more difficult to get animlas into Canda then to send animals out of Canada, three to 8 weeks is average. I am in the midst of a trade now, and applying for CITES to send my animal TO the States is simple: one form; send it out, get approved, meet a Rep, good to go. Same coming back; you fill out paperwork accepting the animal and agreeing to the stipulations, pay the taxes and duty. Easy as pie. PERSONALLY, I would bother, definitely worth it IMO. For more info, go to www.cites.ca

Corey Woods
09-28-04, 05:47 AM
Right now it's over a 4 month waiting time to get export CITES paperwork in the USA.


09-28-04, 06:49 AM
Canada is a very easy country to import into. We don't have any excessive documentation required (ie; trophy's, health certificates, import permits, etc.) other than control certificates (CITES).
To save a little time, it's a good idea to inform your closest CITES office about the date/time and details of the shipment and port of entry just in case they would like to come inspect it. This is not neccissary, but can save a lot of time should your shipment be pulled for inspection by customs.
There is no cost for permits or inspections in Canada, but the US does charge for these services so expect to pay a small service/box charge.

On a side note, I waited over 4 months for export CITES to be issued in the US for one CB Ball Python. I've heard of others waiting for up to 8 months.

Best of luck!


PS - mykee, there is no duty on live animals, just applicable taxes ;)

09-28-04, 08:20 PM
Thanks to anyone who replied to this form. The information helped alot.

09-28-04, 10:36 PM
What's the point.... n/p