View Full Version : coconut hide?

jalisco milk
09-27-04, 03:58 PM
A friend of mine just made a coconut hide for his fish tank,i thought it look kinda neat and was wondering if it would work for snakes.
I'm just concerned with the oils in the coconut if the would harm her if cider or pine would.I would boil it, would that help?

Any ideas?:confused:

09-27-04, 04:56 PM
The hide in the background, im assuming is a real piece of coconut, was given to me in a purchase for a leopard gecko. I use it for my cresty now, and was using it for the leopard for quite a while. I guess its okay to use it.


I like them because it makes things look more natural, especially with the cocofibre im using as bedding.

09-27-04, 04:58 PM
I see them used all the times in our LPS for the kings and milks. I wouldnt imagine that coconut oil is harmful, but I am sure the ones they use have been thoroughly cleaned and treated with something, as they are commercially made ones.

09-27-04, 06:07 PM
Coconut hides (even fresh made ones) are widely used for inverts such as tarantulas. Given that they're more sensitive to pollutants I would imagine it would be fine on a snake. Never used them but that's only cos I haven't come across a coconut while grocery shopping.:D

Kevin McRae
09-27-04, 06:24 PM
I am using a cocnut hide for my pueblan milk with no ill effects:)

09-27-04, 06:27 PM
I use coconut hides for my leos, fat tails, baby beardeds, ksboa, and my daughter's sinaloan milk. The milk uses the hide 80% of the time. lol, she loves that thing!

09-27-04, 06:30 PM
we have yoused them for every thing from spiders,hamsters mice snakes and wild bird houses not a prob with them