View Full Version : help 2 probs with my baby
09-27-04, 07:57 AM
hi all i need help with my baby ive hade him about 5 months now and every thing seams to b fine when i say fine i mean hes eating all the time but its when it comes to water that things go wrong 1stly he hasnt shed in 1 peice since i got him which worrys my sick ive got a stick on humidity tester i know its not the best thing to have but i cant seam to find an electronic 1 im in south wales uk if any 1 knows where i can get 1 at the moment that humidytester is telling me the humidity is 70 is that right or should i try and get it higher since hes not sheding right but the second prob i think might b causing the prob with sheding coz hes got folds in his skin which means hes dehidrated could that b causing him not to shed and if any 1 can give me any ideas on some 1 who can do the sringe thing to help get rid of the dehidraton 4 me i would b very thank full as im not confadent enough 2 dpo it my self incase i damage his fangs as that could cause major problems if pics would help ask me and i will post some
09-27-04, 08:48 AM
Well a few things need to be answered first before we can offer any suggestions.
What kind of setup do you have, rubbermaid, Glass tank?
What are youre tempatures like?
What are you feeding him and how often?
As for a digital hydrometer, you local hardware store should carry them. If you have a WalMart, not sure if that has made it over to the UK or not.
For the shedding problem you could provide a humid hide. Get some sphagnum moss and place it inside a rubbermaid contaner with a hole for your snake to enter. HE will use it when he feels he needs it.
09-27-04, 02:15 PM
right hes in a glass tank the size is L= 16 W=8 H=8 hes eating thawed rat pups but larger 1ns he eats every monday nope walmart aint over here as 4 the temps there 90 hot side and 70-75 cool side is that tank big enough to do that thing with the hide with the moss in it ??? sizes r in inches
Your cool side is too cool, try to keep it no lower than 78 at night and day should be low 80's. If you bring your hot spot up to 95 that would help and will probably bring up your cool end to the right temp too. With a glass tank take a towel and cover 2/3 of the top to help keep the humidity in. Also you can use a larger water dish the evaporation will up your humidity too. Humid hides are a great thing in glass tanks. Good luck.
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