View Full Version : My E.frenata

09-25-04, 03:52 PM
I would like to ask why does my E.frenata form some "white scales" and it seems getting more "white scales" now. What can I do? Does anyone help me?



09-25-04, 07:00 PM
Looks like a fungal infection to me.

09-26-04, 01:33 AM
So if it's the fungi infection, so what should I do? I am using newspaper as substrate and two big water bowl for it. It seems like to soak in the water bowls in the whole days...

09-26-04, 11:23 AM
Check temp/humidity for their required levels. May I ask why two water bowls? Although not familer with the species but if an animal sokes alot could mean quite a few things such has dehydration, lack of security resulting in exscaping into the dish to feel secure, external paracites.

Have you check at all recently for mite or ticks? Also a better idea of your setup would help to.

All an all, a trip to a qualified vet whao has a degree with herps/and or qualified herpatolgist/advanced hobbyist(15+ yrs) is a better solution. Also refering to books for common diseases and bringing what you compliled to whoever you decide to take your snake to and suggest this might be it and go from there.
Good luck!