View Full Version : female bmk pix

09-25-04, 03:20 PM
the female to go with my male posted befor. Little yellow on her but not much 30" or so very friendly 02 hatch should have some nice little ones next year
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v478/bighillreptiles/femaleblackmexicankingpix2.jpg thanks for looking Paul

09-29-04, 04:10 AM
I for got the persons name that i got her from so i will post it here she has setteld in well and has ate two large mice sence she has been in my care thanks again paul,she came from monteral

09-29-04, 07:48 AM
I am looking forward to seeing my black milks mature and complete the color change. Very pretty Paul. Nice find.


09-29-04, 08:50 AM
Nice mexican black king - they are sweet snakes.

Brian - we have to see some more pics of your black milks -

mary v.

09-29-04, 09:17 AM
Really nice snake!

You plan to breed her next year? At only 30 inches?

09-29-04, 09:59 AM
every thin i can find sayes that thay only get 36 to 40 " max and she is three years old she is rufly 36" and nice and healthy i like to under estamate rather than overestamate lol you now how people always say ther snake is 4' then when you see it it's only 2.5' .
thanks Paul ps how long and old do you think they should be befor breeding???? If you look at the post of my male sheis a little larger than him and he is 34" plus " my meashering him when he is along the wall of his rubermade.here is the male
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v287/paulvanhooser/malemexikingpic2.jpg and the female
thanks for the replys every one

09-29-04, 01:24 PM
My mex blks are 48" and bred for the first time this year. I have a female at 36" as well and I'm waiting another year on her.

I like them big, to avoid egg binding. Big, but not fat!!

09-29-04, 03:07 PM
Very nice! I miss mine I sent out to Brian last year. I hope he breeds them soon.lol

09-29-04, 06:58 PM
Well If I hade to send a loved pet to anny one than Brian would be the person i would send them to .Just picked up an other pair of mbk this eve and a hypo florida king in a trade for other snakes hooked on them ,Thanks every one that have replyed