View Full Version : its day 5 since i've tried to feed him, please help

09-25-04, 08:19 AM
well its been 5 days since i offered him food and handled my pueblan milk. I have som frozen pinkies and was wondering if you guys think it is time for me to feed him (maybe he's settled in). If you do think i should offer him pinky in the near future, how should i do it?
should I put him i a tuppleware container with a pinky,
or should i not even touch him and just put the pinky on a small plate in front of his hide?

sorry forall of the questions but i just want to start him off on the right foot , and make sure i'm doing everything right.

thanks and god bless,

09-25-04, 08:59 AM
I feed my Pueblans in a tuppleware container with a pinky. I hand feed my Corns and feed my Boas, Pythons, in large tubs. Pueblans seem to not realize they have food untill they come head to head with the food so make sure the pinky is in front of his head. You can lay the pinky in the tuppleware and push it closer to him VERY SLOWLY untill it just about meets his mouth. As soon as he flicks his tongue he should be interested.

If he still doesnt eat try to cover the container with a towl or something to make it dark. I have found with pueblans if they dont eat for you they will almost always take it the day after. With most snakes if they dont eat i wait another week but with pueblans I try again the next day if they dont eat and they have excepted every time :)

~ Hooter

09-25-04, 09:16 AM
I would just leave the food item in the enclosure with the snake over night. He will find it and eat it if he wants to. If he doesn't eat it, wait 3 or 4 days before offering again.

Young milks are usually WAY to spazzy to feed with tong/tweezers. They freak out too much and don't even notice the food! :D

09-25-04, 09:57 AM
102-0216_IMG.JPG this is him/her, not a great picture, but i love the colors

09-25-04, 11:01 AM
pic didnt work...o well
i just put the thawed pinky on a small tuppleware lid in front of the snakes hide, how long do u suggest i leave it there?

09-25-04, 12:39 PM
all day :)

09-25-04, 03:14 PM
i just got a live pinky from the store, how would you feed it to the snake?.....just plop him in the cage?
o yeah- how long could a pinky survive (not being eaten)

09-25-04, 03:24 PM
I woul put the pinkie in and leav the room for a while and see wht happens ,It is best to feed after dark hope this helps

09-25-04, 03:33 PM
i replaced the pine sub. with paper towels so i'll let him settle down, then i'll feed him tonight

thanks guys

09-25-04, 03:38 PM
sounds good Ben

09-26-04, 06:29 AM
i left the pinky in overnight and.......................................nothing, the snake did B]not[/B] eat a live pinky!(who is still alive)
last nigt when i put the pinky in, the snake slithered right up to it and looked very interested. But then I left the room and came back in the morning and the pinky was still there.
I wonder why he's not eating
well when should i try again?
what else would u try

thanks for all of the help

09-26-04, 10:25 AM
What size cage is the snake in?

09-26-04, 12:17 PM
10 gallon

Kevin McRae
09-26-04, 12:24 PM
Thats a large cage for a hatchling in my opinion, try putting him in a small sandwich container with a ball of newspaper while feeding...

09-26-04, 03:28 PM
how long should i leave him there?

09-26-04, 04:18 PM
i put him in a small GLAD sandwich container, with a layer of paper towel, and his hide box (for security). And of course i have a live pinky in it. Someone suggested to leave him in there until he eats, is this a good idea?

09-26-04, 04:43 PM
I would take it out and wait 5 days then try again. If he doesnt next time I would suggest a vet visit for possible parasites or infections. Make sure your temps are right and give it 5 days.

09-26-04, 05:20 PM
well as i walked to get the pinky out..................it was half way in the snakes mouth!!!!
thanks for the help guys!
wow that was awesome to watch!

09-26-04, 07:11 PM
Happy to hear :D

Good luck in the future and im guessing the 10gal maybe was a little on the big side for the little pub heh.

Kevin McRae
09-26-04, 08:12 PM
Get a small plastic container from Wal-Mart, and keep him in it for about a year, then you can use the 10 gallon for the rest of his like:)

jalisco milk
09-27-04, 04:08 PM
not to get off the topic her but i noticed u said ur useing pine shavings... i thought the oils from pine and ceder were bad for the sanke...
i just had the same probs with my milk i'd present it it would eat,i always feed her in rubbermaid container bout the size of a shoe box.I'd say just wait a week and try again,just leave her for the week don't pick her up.mine went 3 weeks without food
good luck

09-27-04, 06:32 PM
well, he has eaten...as i said before
i also canged his pine shavings to carefresh once i realized that pine could be toxic.

he seems comfortable in the 10g cage. He has 3 hides and everywhere to borrow. Is it essential to keep him in a smaller cage, he is 10 1/2 inches long.
