View Full Version : Ultimate Ratsnake *pic*

09-24-04, 08:51 PM
As a little treat to myself after surviving a lung infection that put me in the hospital for a week, I got myself (through trades) a pair of 4-5ft yellow rats.

In my opinion these are the ultimate north american ratsnake. Heck even my luecy's pale (so to speak) in comparison to these yellow beauties. I'm not exactly sure why yellow rats have captured me so, but there's something about them, that just speaks to me.

They are dirt cheap animals, but I couldn't care. They are to me the highlight of my collection, I do have a lot of rats. I had one before, which I sold to raise funds for our big move and am so glad to have this species again. I had them down on my wish list and just didn't think I'd be able to get any this year.

Anyhow, here's a pic of the male. Didn't get any of the female as she had eaten a rat.
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v147/Kattia/Rats/yellowratface.jpg">

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v147/Kattia/Rats/yellowratbod.jpg">

Not sure if I will be breeding these guys. If everglades are sold at $20 each, these guys aren't going to fetch that much more. I'd breed them just so I could have more! <laugh> Anyhow, hope you guys like them. There's no other snake that compares to these.

09-24-04, 09:27 PM
Beautiful rat!

09-24-04, 09:49 PM
agreed beautiful
Do they get much larger than a corn?
I'm thinking you should breed them but thats just my opinion.

09-24-04, 09:51 PM
we have a female that is 5' or so and would like to find a male if you hear of one let me now Katt .We like a little chalange as well good luck with tham ,what is the temperment on yours my female is fine as long as she is full LOL

09-25-04, 12:52 AM
Nice lookin' snake.

Everglades for $ 20? Where's that??

09-25-04, 08:31 AM
Yellow rats are longer than corns, but not as thick. They can easily reach six feet.

Mike Vince is selling everglades for $20 CAD.

These two are friendly and inquisitive.

09-27-04, 09:10 AM
Gorgeous guy Katt - I agree - yellow rats are very appealing snakes and underappreciated.

mary v.

09-27-04, 09:29 AM
I think he's just gorgeous!!! Post pics of the female when you can!!! :)

09-29-04, 03:54 PM
...I am surprised! I saw the title of the post and fully expected to see a drab pigmentless leucistic rat in the pic. Wow!
It does my heart good to see one of my favorites as well. No "morph", no cross, no nothing! Just a beautiful animal. I have never come across one that would not eat and basically thrive. I have some dull ones and some very bright ones. Some yellow, some orange. Some with brown stripes and some with black. enough variability for anyone right there.

09-29-04, 07:44 PM
Man that is an amazing snake - love the colours.

Tom Cat
09-29-04, 10:01 PM
Katt, I usually dont do the forum thing but I just love your attitude towards these incredible American serpents.

The ironic thing is I just checked out this forum for the first time because I'm picking up a trio of Everglades from Mr.Vince this weekend!!!!! Anyway, who can keep up with all the weird trends (ie.morphs), all I know is I've been waiting for Mikes Glades to breed for a year now and I'll have a trio for $60.

An aquarium, a tree limb, spanish moss, and a bunch of orange rats snakes...... does amateur herpetology get any better?

09-29-04, 11:17 PM
Tom Cat, thanks for the nice comment!

Anyhow, wicked on the trio. I too would like them, but not interested in paying the shipping from Ontario. I have a lone male glades myself, he's actually a pain in the butt, but I have a lovely pair of hypos from Roy that are great feeders!

I'm glad to see that someone else really likes NA rats as well!

I see in your sig that you have a lot of cool critters. The bulls, pines and kings are awesome! Same on the cribos! What exactly is a CBI??

Anyhow thanks again guys!!

I'll be taking more pics of them tomorrow after work, just for y'all! Gotta get the right color on them, the male looks just too orange in the pics for my liking.

09-29-04, 11:48 PM
i love my yellow rat. he's a rescue, and had serious skin issues for a while, but now he's doing great. i love to see how active he is, with all the climbing. i had never worked with obsoleta before this one, but he's quickly becoming a favorite.

09-30-04, 12:08 AM
The price tag that a snake commands has nothing to do with how cool it is. Look at normal corn snakes - $35-$40 if that, and dropping... but let me tell ya, I will breed these snakes for eternity simply because they are so incredible. If I don't sell them, oh well. More joy for me.

Katt, you've convinced me to get some yellow rats, now hurry up and breed 'em. I think I can find $60 for a trio. :)