View Full Version : Where can I/Where did you......

09-24-04, 03:00 PM
Where can I order both sizes of flexwatt (4" and 11")??? I am in dire need of some. I've been told in the past that Grant from PCP was the guy too talk too, however I had been told by some of his staff at the Expo on the 12th, that he didn't have any and wouldn't be getting anymore. I need to get a considerable amount of both sizes plus another two Helix controllers (already have one, supposedly Grant's last one.) within the next two weeks max. All help would be appreciated.



09-28-04, 12:41 PM
Talk to Chris and Jenny at Reptile Wrangler in Barrie. They can probably point you in the right direction.;)

09-28-04, 12:44 PM
Order it from the states.



If you're ordering a bunch, get it straight from the supplier. Why pay a mark-up on large quantities?

09-28-04, 01:18 PM
If you order from Bean Farm(I usually get it there), it'll definitely be here within 2 weeks...

09-29-04, 03:20 PM
I agree. I've had an order from Beanfarm come in as little as 3 days, I would definitely recommend going there. The only downfall is the price. You end up paying an arm and a leg after duty and shipping :/

10-05-04, 09:50 AM
How much are you looking for and what size? I'm about to place an order to beanfarm.

10-05-04, 07:35 PM
Thanks anyways guys, but I have already gotten what I needed. Thanks Mykee!!! It's funny but the whole time before I was able to get all the supplies I needed, I never thought of asking at Reptile Wrangler, and I'm in there at least one to two times a week.