View Full Version : Does anybody else here keep tree monitors?

09-24-04, 07:31 AM
Hi there friends,

Here's just a pic I took of my female yesterday...She's been eating up a storm lately, ever since she just laid her second cllutch of the year..Hopefully I can get her rehydrated and fed enough to get her to cycle again in another month or so...

Does anybody else on this forum keep any species of tree monitors? Just curious, as I haven't really heard anybody else speaking abou them..Am I a loner here???hahaha... Cheers mates,
have a good one,


09-24-04, 08:35 AM
nice pix ,don't have room for the bigens lol nice to see some one working with tham

09-24-04, 10:22 AM

09-24-04, 02:05 PM
not yet..... them and croc monitors are my dream lizard... (sigh)

Tim and Julie B
09-24-04, 02:58 PM
Not really....but jobiensis and timorensis. They both spend a lot of time in trees......does that count? :D There is not a lot available here compared to the states.

second skin
09-25-04, 02:17 PM
If I could find a monitor that looked that awesome
I'd make the room!
she is friggn' amazing

09-25-04, 02:56 PM
Can I get one of the babies? lol, Then I can join you with a tree monitor or my own! Wow, she is a beauty. LMK if/when you're selling them!! lol

WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!! I'm basically here drooling!