View Full Version : White lineds breeding question

Kevin McRae
09-22-04, 09:07 PM
They ahve layed one egg that will hatch any day now and she layed 2 on the 21 st of September. We split of the cage so the parents could not eat the hatchlings.

My questions....

Would a small plastic container be good?

What substrate?

I was think of adding a little potho in his cage good idea?

Would he drown in a water dish?

Thanks, I attached a picture of the 2 latest eggs:)

guapote's gape
09-22-04, 09:40 PM
The egg that was in the tank at the time you purchased the breeding pair from hatched at 64 days.
Egg was deposited on side wall of tank so incubation was not controlled at all other than a small deli cup with moist sphagnum inside placed over the egg. Perfectly healthy baby hatched out without issue. Looks exactly like the parents right from the start.
Took 2 week crickets the next day without hesitation.
Past breeding experiments with this species and other true Geckos ( Genus) has been fairly conclusive in that canibilism was not a factor.
Baby's been in a small 6"x4"x4" plastic container within another unit for a couple of weeks until one of the staff took him home.

I always have used spagnum moss from the baby's at first. Doesn't mold easily, low acidity, hold's moisture and humidity better than most media's, economical i.e: Home Depot.

Kevin McRae
09-23-04, 07:00 AM
Do you work at the store?LOL

guapote's gape
09-23-04, 07:07 AM

Kevin McRae
09-23-04, 07:10 AM
Oh I don't use deli cups because if they are not secured around the egg the container will fall and break the egg, that happened at the store I bought these guys I beleive, they thought the container was just knocked of and the parents destroyed the egg, but an egg has been with the parents here for 50-60 days till we blocked off the cage.

Both parents are doing wonderful, eating crickets, fruit flavored baby food, apples......don't care if I go by there eggs, awesome geckos.

Guapote's gape - Were you the one who sold me a female tokay gecko, had some fun with that....

Cool, thanks

09-23-04, 09:59 AM
Nice! Good to see people working with such a beautiful and underrated gecko species. One of my fav Gekko sp. Good luck on the hatchlings!

Kevin McRae
09-23-04, 04:27 PM

guapote's gape
10-03-04, 02:51 PM
The deli cup was in place to maintain a higher level of humidity due to placement of the egg being fairly close to heat source. The tape holding the cup in place came off one day due to constant exposure to the humidity.
Kane was the guy who had fun with the Tokay. The fun kept going for a day or two later as well.
I do the purchasing for the store as well as arranging larger purchases from breeder's for the company.
Post some pics of the youngin' once he's born.
Take care

10-03-04, 03:04 PM
Great thread.

I am going to be breeding a pair of Golden Geckos soon and the only thing I cannot figure out is the proper way to set up the breeding enclosure???

They need some coverage and some basking areas, but at the same time I want to be able to cover any eggs laid/remove them easily. Many plants and branches won't help, but at the same time I need some of these things.

How do you guys do it?


Kevin McRae
10-03-04, 06:41 PM
My cage is just a 20 gallon long cage, with a large log going from side to side, with a fake potho covering it, a water dish, a dish full of fruit and a calcium dish.