View Full Version : Crestie growth rate

09-22-04, 08:42 PM
I was wondering if anyone has noticed this or if I'm just delusional(which is quite possible).
My cresties seem to grow fairly slow from about 1 to 3 or 4 months. Then for the next 4 or 5 months they seem to grow very rapidly. I'll have to keep a chart of weights from now on. Just wondering what others have noticed.

09-22-04, 08:54 PM
I notice that too...its like a little growth spurt ;)

09-23-04, 09:01 AM
I noticed it too. They seem to just sleep all the time, barely eat and not grow for a few weeks. Then one morning you look at them and they seem to have doubled in size since the last time you looked at them.