View Full Version : Crestie Paparazzi (Warning Large Pics!)

Brent Strande
09-22-04, 02:29 AM
Well, it's been nearly a week since I got the new cresties and figured that if they're really great enough to get me to stray from SNAKES-ONLY, then they probably deserve some photo credits...

I have four of these little guys and they continually amaze me!

Here they are...

CG-193 (I'm not gonna name them til I find out their sex and personalities!)

They say that he's a normal but I'm not sure whats normal about this!

How can you resist that smile?

Just don't bug him too much or he'll give you the cold shoulder!

Next up is CG-194 who happens to be going into shed, so we could only get one shot...

Both of the cresties above were sold as 'normals' and the following two were sold to me as fires.

This little sucker has a TON of personality!

A little tongue action...

A TON of tongue action goin' on here!

And another shot to show his fire pattern:

I even got a shot of him leaping (didn't really focus though, but I still think that it's neat!


Finally, my 'green' flame crestie, CGF4-201 whose green only really showed in this first shot... (also shows more during the day when the oranges don't come out!


This one's got some great crests and an awesome pattern!


She also likes to act like a hunting dog...



And she knows when it's THE END...

Thanks for looking and I hope that you enjoyed the pics!

Brent Strande
09-22-04, 02:35 AM
As much as it really doesn't matter, would a mod please change the 'Cresti' in the title of my post to read 'Crestie' with the E that I forgot! I would really appreciate it!

09-22-04, 07:36 AM
Heehheehehehe those are some really cute pictures! Great shots, they've got awesome patterns...

09-22-04, 09:25 AM
Great pics and cresties, I really need a digi camera to post some pics of my geckos...I feel left out of the action :D

Brent Strande
09-22-04, 11:00 AM
I love having a digital camera! I think that it's a major part of this hobby! ...being able to capture the beauty of your animals and share that with others!

09-22-04, 12:49 PM
Ohhh! They're so cute!!! I love the 'leaping lizard' photo... now we know how funny they look hopping around like that!! What kind of camara do you use, Brent? Think I could borrow it for a few days?? LOL j/k =)

Brent Strande
09-22-04, 01:12 PM
Believe it or not, I'm using a broken Fuji Finepix 3800 (3.2 mP) that only allows two of the functions to work! It still seems to do fairly well for now. Maybe when some of my animals start producing I will be able to get a better camera!

09-22-04, 01:42 PM
Awesome pics! And equally as nice cresties ;) I edit your thread title for you too..


09-22-04, 03:14 PM
Wow he is stellar... I gotta get me one lol

Brent Strande
09-22-04, 03:46 PM
Thanks Matt!

And Darryl, that's four different cresties! I think that they all look sorta 'fire' but two are supposedly only normals, if there is such a thing!

09-23-04, 11:55 PM
Brent, I am not surprised at the quality that your finepix is producing...they are a very legitimate camera and I am glad you like yours

and nice lizards too

09-24-04, 03:53 PM
Very nice cresties and pics. I wish I could get pics like that. What did you use for lighting?