View Full Version : OT: Need Help. PLEASE READ

09-21-04, 09:58 AM
First, if this is not appropriate remove it. But please, even mods, read it. I am posting this here as we have members from California and MANY internet savy members who might have some help they can offer.

My brother Sean Sullivan went missing Sunday morning 4:30 AM. in Sacramento California. Last known sighting was him pulling out of 7-11 parking lot. This website has been thrown up by me with some information, MUCH more will be posted as I recieve it.


If anyone can offer to mirror this website on their host, help me with a .com address, linking it to your website, emailing it to friends, etc. PLEASE PLEASE do! ANYTHING you think you can offer in relation to internet services, please let me know.

I can't tell you how much I appreciate you members reading this.


09-21-04, 10:06 AM
Marisa, sorry I can't help you much with that respect, but I do hope you find your brother... my prayers are with you... Good luck... =/

09-21-04, 10:12 AM
Thank you Samba. Right now I am dead busy getting the website update, and contacting organizations who are adding to the reward fund we are getting together.

Unfortuantly, my brother is not one to "take off" so sadly, we are thinking the worst when you add that up with the fact it is a suspicious circumstance he disaperred under. I believe the police are looking into foul play as well, BUT we are still hoping for the best.

I'd like to ask if ANYONE can email me a photo of a black Z28 1993 Camero. I need a photo of his type of car to add to the website and I am totally LOST as to where I can find this photo on the internet. Thanks again guys.


09-21-04, 10:28 AM
wow. Marisa--I'm really sorry to hear about your brother. My prayers are with you too. Hang in there.....


09-21-04, 10:43 AM


Lots of camie photos there... did he have a spoiler on the rear? Ground effects? Anything modified??

09-21-04, 10:48 AM
Thank you to all those who sent me pics. I cannot reply right now to all messages but THANK YOU! Anything WILL help! Time is of the essence and every hour that goes by is another step harder to find him.


09-21-04, 10:48 AM
Sorry to hear this Marisa, best of luck to you and your family.

09-21-04, 10:56 AM
Marisa, I've e-mailed The Official Chevy website and asked them to send you some really detailed pics they have. Hope they get to you soon....

09-21-04, 11:02 AM

That's terrible news, best wishes for you and your family...

09-21-04, 12:50 PM
Marisa, im not sure how much it will help, but I have passed on that link to a few friends out in Cali.. Hopefully they might have seen something or can atleast pass it along to more out there..

Again, IM really sorry to hear this and if there is ANYTHING I can do, please, let me know!!.

09-21-04, 01:06 PM
Thanks again guys.

As of right now we still have literally nothing to go on but the fact he was seen on security camera driving away. I truely believe his car will be an important key in finding him as my sister said even amongst many many custom cars, his often stands out with what he has done with it. Hopefully someone will remember seeing it after 4:30 AM Sunday morning. Unfortuantly even his cell phone has left us with no trace as we have called the last ten numbers and gotten no new information. Thankfully the bank is watching his debit cards/account action but again, nothing has happened there and no one has used it.

Thank you again everyone.


09-21-04, 01:07 PM
I'm thinking about you Marisa. I'm sure everthing will be fine.

Tim and Julie B
09-21-04, 02:26 PM
The best of luck. I hope it all turns out well.

09-21-04, 02:36 PM
Hope you find him alive and well, and just a bit hung over from some college antics.

I didn't see a license plate number on the site. That would probably jog peoples memories, especially if it's a custom plate.

09-21-04, 03:30 PM
I'd also suggest getting as much detail on the vehicle as possible and posting on customizing sites.

People may not remember a college student driving by, but the car will stick in some peoples minds.

09-21-04, 03:46 PM
I now have the license plate number on there.

What I desperatly need now is help managing the traffic. If anyone can throw this site up as a mirror and just let me know what the url is, it would GREATLY help. Even a day, or week would help out. As it stands, they are giving the media the web address, and while my boyfriend is doing all he can, our home server can barely handle the load and some people have reported not being able to view it assumingly because of this.

Anyways email me if you can mirror


09-21-04, 03:52 PM
Actually I got that problem taken care of. Thank goodness.

Anyways thanks Cruciform, I keep missing little, but important details. I am like in a sea of a million numbers right now!

Thank you.


09-21-04, 04:03 PM
I can mirror it. I'll send you details in a few minutes

09-21-04, 04:07 PM
O.k. great all the more helps. Then I can have my boyfriend through up a page people will get if the original site is down, with some mirrors I am getting. Thank you.


09-21-04, 04:12 PM
Sent to your hotmail account :)

09-21-04, 04:14 PM
I feel for you, and want to wish you good luck.

Best Regards

09-21-04, 04:23 PM
Best of luck Marisa, I hope and pray that all turns out well for you and your family.

09-21-04, 04:26 PM
Your family is in our thoughts Marisa and we are praying for a safe return for your brother. I will send the site around to all my friends. Best wishes go out to you.

09-21-04, 04:38 PM
Thank you everyone.

I will update you if anything new develops. Hopefully one of our California members can mention if they see news coverage tonight.


09-21-04, 06:41 PM
Marisa, I really feel for you our family went through something similar a few months ago. You and yours will be in my family's prayers. Our thoughts are with you, I'll be sending the site to everyone and I'll pass it along to a family friend who's out that way. All the best to you and yours. Hang in there girl and keep thinking the best. God Bless


09-21-04, 07:25 PM
OMG, I sincerely hope everything works out Marisa.

Jordan B
09-21-04, 07:44 PM
OMG sorry marisa, I'm passing on the word and I am about to email the link to some news websites for you. I will be on the lookout for that car. Let me know if there is anything else I can do.

Jordan B
09-21-04, 07:58 PM
Okay, several news agencys have been notified, i'll let you know what develops.


09-21-04, 08:34 PM
Yes please do. I have digital cable with time delay channels, but I have NO California channels, only Seattle.

So I have no idea what they are saying on the news, other than what we have told them. I have emailed many stations pictures and answered some questions from the reporters and my family has done some video interviews. But aside from that I have no idea what they are saying or what details they are giving if any. My family hasn't really had time to even watch it.

Hopefully a news internet link will show up.


09-21-04, 08:44 PM
My heart goes out to you and your family, Marisa. :(

I hope your brother returns safe and sound in the very near future.

beth wallbank
09-21-04, 09:09 PM
My families' prayer's go out to you and your family for your brother's safe return. With the way the media is, let them do what they can at what they do best.

Jungle Jen
09-21-04, 09:30 PM
I am spreading the word to as many people as I can think of. Our prayers and thoughts are with you and your family for your brothers safe return. If there is anything I can do to help you out please let me know.

Scales Zoo
09-21-04, 11:28 PM
I'll send the webpage to everyone I know, hopefully they have family or friends down in that area that can pass the email on.

I sure hope he's just really hungover, or went fishing or something. Our thoughts and hopes are with you.


09-22-04, 02:05 AM
Sorry to hear Marisa.

We've pm'd you.....and would like to provide any help that we can.


09-22-04, 08:59 AM

I am sorry to say, but this is the response I recieved from Chevy (I am EXTREMELY disappointed);

Good evening! Thank you for contacting the Chevrolet Customer Assistance Center. I appreciate you taking the time to write us in regards to a photo of a 1993 Z28 Chevrolet Camaro.

I apologize, but I cannot send you attachments of photos; however, I do recommend that you visit our GM PhotoStore website, at:


You can purchase high quality photographs of your favorite General Motors vehicles. Both current and historic GM brand images are available for purchase.

Additionally, you may also choose to submit your request to the following address:

GM Media Archives
MC 482-B35-B24
200 Renaissance Center
Detroit, MI 48265

For more information you may contact GM Media Archives directly at 1-800-851-8984, select prompt 5, or send your request to:


Additionally, you may want to visit Google and type in "1993 Z28 Chevrolet Camaro". This will bring up a list of websites that you can visit. I hope that you and your family are able to locate your brother's friend.

If you should need to contact us in the future, simply reply to this message with your service request number 1-259174543, or call our Chevrolet Customer Assistance Center at 1-800-222-1020. Customer Relationship Managers are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., Eastern Time.

Again, thank you for contacting Chevrolet, and good luck.


******** *******
Customer Relationship Manager
Chevrolet Customer Assistance Center

I can't believe she actually suggested BUYING a photo! Hello? Some people are so dumb.

Marisa, I hope everything turns out for the best, please keep us updated. BTW, Mike is right; you need to get as much possible detail from your brother's car as you can... I am a car person, and I can tell you, most of 'us' could recall a car in a snap, but could tell you nothing about the driver... if you have any actual photos of the car that would be useful. (I'm thinking if he customized it, and was very proud of it, he might have taken some pix). Good luck, I will be praying for you...

P.S. In re-reading her letter, I noticed she said, "...are able to locate your brother's friend..." Just how much attention did she pay to my letter?!?!?! As a Chevy fan I am very disappointed in this...

09-22-04, 12:57 PM
Thank you Samba, and thank you everyone else. It all means a lot.


We have no new information about Sean or his car's whereabouts. Nothing. There is now a $10,000 reward for information leading directly to Sean. I am sure this amount will go up.

We also now have a toll free number for information about Sean:

I am updating the website extensivly this afternoon with a timeline, more personal information about Sean, etc.

Thanks again everyone. We are still hoping for the best.


09-22-04, 02:31 PM
Good Luck, Marisa... =/

09-22-04, 02:40 PM
I'm sorry, I read this thread a little late. My thoughts and my highest hopes are with you, Marisa. I hope you find him. If you still need the site mirrored, send me a PM and I'll mirror it from one of my sites.

09-22-04, 02:45 PM
Hi guys. I have updated the site with Seans reward, a 1-800 phone number, as well as five possible routes home Sean took, and more personal information. Hopefully today I can get more photos, and I am really hoping for a photo of Seans exact car. But luckily we do have the lisence plate.

Here is one of many news stories that are circulating about Sean:

Thanks everyone.


09-22-04, 05:26 PM
Another update:

Sean was seen on another security camera a mere couple moments since the last known sighting. It's only a block or two if that away, but EVERY little piece helps. There is also a couple pieces of new info. And a vigil will be held for Sean tonight. Volunteers are asked to meet each morning with the details for that on the website as well.

I believe the reward will also be bumped up.


09-22-04, 07:21 PM



No other details available now. Updated website.


09-22-04, 07:53 PM

Very sorry to hear about your situation. My site gets a decent bit of traffic and I will be happy to mirror it. One thing, the link in your first post appears to be down right now. Has it changed? Server problems?

My thoughts are with you and him-


critical bill
09-22-04, 07:58 PM

Was this vehicle purchased new at a dealership? The reason I ask is that alot of dealerships require that a LOJAC or other tracking device be installed if the person purchasing the vehicle is a first time buyer or has new to no credit. It is assurance for the lender that if the vehicle is not paid for each month or if the person is hiding the vehicle they can find it.

Not sure if you know all that. FYI, they found my truck when it was stolen and it was in a parking garage 10 levels below ground. Once activated it will take only minutes to pinpoint it.

I hope that helps and I want you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Stay focused and as positive as possible.

My Best,


09-22-04, 08:04 PM
Hi guys.

I am about to purchase some massive hosting so mirror sites won't be needed, although HIGHLY appreciated. What I am working on is a banner. I will throw it up here when it's done and if anyone can place it on their website, it would be AMAZING.

It will be up shortly.

As for the site being down, that's the reason we are buying hosting right now. Our personal server simply cannot handle as many requests for the site as its getting.

Thank you again


09-22-04, 09:51 PM
I'm so sorry that this has happened. I hope you find him alive and well.

09-22-04, 11:26 PM
Here is a banner we have made. If anyone wants too, throwing this up on your website linking it to the website would be GREATLY appreciated, and if anything happens i.e. Sean is found, then I will of course be updating here, and they can be removed. Anyways if anyone wants too:

<img src="http://8snakes.myftp.org/marisa/sean/banner2.jpg">

Thanks everyone, will update. Working on the hosting, emailing, talking to people, etc etc.


09-23-04, 12:24 AM
I added it to my front page.

I hope you find him soon. :(

09-23-04, 12:43 AM
Wow thank you so so much Tim. It means more than you know.

As of right now I am just drifting around on the internet getting it posted more and more, getting on newsgroups, etc. I am just waiting for each update on the phone as it comes, and sometimes they are few and far between.

Sean will be on California TV channels tonight, so hopefully something more substaintal will turn up with more media exposure.


09-23-04, 12:52 AM
It's the least I could do... thoug I can't do much. I'm MORE than happy to do it too. :)

Keep us all posted.

09-23-04, 09:04 AM
Marisa, as someone mentioned above about the car-tracking device... is it possible that Sean's cell phone could be located in a similar way? If they can do it, and if he had it with him you might be able to locate him...

I am so sorry for you and your family... I really hope that you find him ok and unscathed.

09-23-04, 10:01 AM
I *think* Sean's cell phone is off or else they could use that. Unfortuantly his car was bought used from a friend, and as it's a 1993, there is no such device.

LUCKILY our step dad is a lawyer and is handling this situation better than most people would. He has taken control and knows what he is doing. Thank goodness!

As of this morning I have updated the website with a "updates section" with some new information but as for Sean and the car, no idea still.

Each day is so unreal to all of us. I am floating by the hours and nothing seems to be really happening or its all like a dream. Frustration is my biggest emotion right now *Sigh*

To top it all off last night I am walking up my stair case and I see a four foot snake casually touring the stairwell! grrr...I guess missing a feeding really pissed them off! :)


09-23-04, 10:28 AM
LOL Marisa... I kinda know hwo you feel... ever since you first posted this thread I've felt a little deja vu-ey about all this... it's weird... Anyways, keep us informed... =)

09-23-04, 10:31 AM
Just saw this thread Marisa and can only imagine how difficult and frustrating this must be for you.

Wishing you and your family strength and hope for Sean to be found. It is small comfort, but there are so many of us here that care about you - hope that it helps to know that we are thinking of you and your family -

mary v.

09-23-04, 01:54 PM
Hi everyone

The reward is now $15,000 dollars for information on my brothers whereabouts.

My family will hold a meeting with press and media at 1PM today CALIFORNIA time. Any members in California try and watch!

The website now has some updates, and a little new info. thank you EVERYONE AT SSNAKESS.COM!


09-23-04, 02:15 PM
I posted the information on a few clan webcites, where I know many of them are in california. I will check with 2 friends I know who live in California (not sure what part of California) and are big car fanatics to see if they have any leads.
Will have them contact the links on the webcite if they do.

It's the best I can do at the moment.

Hope he returns safely.

09-23-04, 02:27 PM
I've posted the link on my front page and passed it along to as many people I could think of. I hope your brother is found safe and well. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Take care.

09-23-04, 05:05 PM
Today a plane searched the area. Volunteers searched riverbanks in the area for anything. Nothing found so far.

We DO now have the VIN number of Sean's car

At least that might bring up something.


09-23-04, 10:18 PM
sorry om soo late here im very very sorry marisa, i have my own webhosting company contact me if there is anything i can provide u with I will help any way i can.

09-24-04, 06:59 AM
I updated the mirror even though you've got the new hosting. Keeping fingers crossed.

09-25-04, 09:01 AM
I have been sending the link to that webpage (and resent the new link out as well) to everyone I know and asked them to pass on the info as well.
What happened to the update page? I was checking the site every day and it's not there anymore. Did the police suggest you not give out certain bits of information? Or...??
I wish you and your family all the best.... and am hoping and praying that Sean comes home safe! BEST OF LUCK!
Take care
Annie B. <:3 )~~

09-26-04, 05:30 PM
Hi guys. Thank you everyone for writing and reading this thread. I haven't had a chance to email everyone who has written me personal messages, so please forgive the no response. Aside from the search for Sean.. responsibilities, I just yesterday got caught up on all my reptile chores. Which I am sure you can imagine how it gets when THOSE jobs get behind. I swear if my snakes had toes, they would have all been tapping them waiting for their meal (which was a week late) last night! :) On top of those things, my roomates left yesterday for a two week vacation they have had planned for months. So keeping up has been difficult.

As of now we are in the same place we were 6 days ago in regards to his location and information we have. Sean has now been missing for a week and 12 hours.

You can still visit http://www.seansullivan.tk but its only a link to the newer website, http://www.findseansullivan.com

Again, thank you for all your thoughts, well wishes and ideas. When Sean is found safe and sound I will be printing out ALL correspondance I have had during this ordeal, and showing him all the wonderful people who were concerned about him and helping with ideas and searching. Thank you.


09-27-04, 04:03 PM
Hey Everyone...

It's with a VERY heavy heart that I post this for Marisa.. I just finished talking to her and she asked me to post this for her.. Im sure you all can understand why she didn't want to do it herself..

"I would like to thank ssnakess.com and all it's members for their messages of sympathy and help during this horrible week....Sean's body was found in his car on I80 today at 12:30 California time....thank you to everyone for all your help, and my family appreciates it more than you know" - Marisa

I would personally like to take my hat off to everyone on this site for the tremendous amount of support you have all shown towards Marisa and her family.. You guys all rock!!


09-27-04, 04:10 PM
.........I know what its like to lose a family member and I just have to tell you my heart is with you and Sean.

09-27-04, 04:22 PM
Oh dear, I am so sorry to hear that... my deepest condolences, Marisa...

09-27-04, 04:36 PM
With heavy heart really says it all - such hard news to hear and such pain for a family to lose someone that they loved so dearly.

Marisa - my deepest sympathy to you and your family - you are such a vital part of this community and if it helps at all to know that there are many friends here thinking of you - so frustrated that we couldn't offer more.

May you eventually find peace and comfort --

mary v.

09-27-04, 04:49 PM
There aren't any words I can think of to offer consolation.

If his death came from the actions of another person, please let us know of anything we can do to publicize or further the search for anyone involved.

take care.

09-27-04, 05:02 PM
I'm so sorry Marisa. :(

My heart goes out to you and your family...

09-27-04, 05:03 PM
I am truly sorry to hear about your loss, my deepest condolences to you and your family.

Brian and Family

09-27-04, 05:09 PM
My prayers are with you, and your family.


09-27-04, 05:18 PM
I'm so sorry Marisa.....my thoughts are with you.


09-27-04, 05:54 PM
Cruciform said it best... "There aren't any words I can think of to offer consolation." So tragic... :(

09-27-04, 05:58 PM
oh Marisa, I'm so sorry. Finding words are definatly hard at a time like this. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. Take care of yourself and make sure you get rest and something to eat. I know all to well what it feels like to lose a close family member, but to lose someone as close as a brother... my heart goes out to you.

09-27-04, 07:45 PM
That is so very terrible. I am so sorry Marisa. My thoughts are definitely with you and your family right now.

09-27-04, 08:08 PM
Im so sorry to hear abought your loss.Marisa hope you can find peace wherever you can ower prayers are with you Paul & Gloria Van Hooser God Bless the the wones that come to him

09-27-04, 08:54 PM
I am sooo sorry for your loss. I agian have no words to say exactly how sorry I am for you. You are in my thoughts, and I hope that you find comfort in the words of all those on here that care for you.

09-27-04, 09:29 PM
...not a lot I can say, and I know nothing I say will comfort your pain...but my condolences to you and your family from the bottom of my heart.

09-27-04, 10:07 PM
im so sorry to here that. i truely can say my heart goes out to you. as i read a tear drips down my face, loosing a loved one is hard. i know...

09-27-04, 10:46 PM
I am soooo sorry. So tragic. I too have lost someone very close to me. I know how hard it is. My condolences to you and your family. Take care of yourself.

09-27-04, 11:28 PM

Comfort, strength and peace to you and yours. I am very sorry for your loss.


09-28-04, 08:17 AM
I'm deeply sorry to hear that Marisa. My thoughts are with you. I dont know what else to say.


09-28-04, 08:26 AM
Marisa, I, like many others, know words are only a small comfort. I am so deeply sorry for your loss... I wanted desparately to read that he was fine. Again, I am so sorry.... =(

09-28-04, 08:38 AM
Marisa, I can't imagine what this would be like, I'am very sorry. My condolences to you and your family.

09-28-04, 06:57 PM
Hello everyone.

I have a bit to say. Bear with me.

First I'd like to thank EVERYONE in the reptile community. Not just ssnakess.com but all the reptile people that contacted me in this whole ordeal as I posted Sean's story on other boards I frequent. The response was amazing, and comforting for me.

Secondly, thanks to Matt_K for posting my message yesterday. I didn't feel up to posting but at the same time, all the wonderful people everywhere deserved to hear the end of this horrible tragedy after all the thoughts and prayers they have taken the time to give. He is also one of the only people I can talk frankly to through this as all my family is in California, and I could only say certain things online and to people emailing me.

I cannot express how I am feeling now, but the words empty and angry help. The only comforting thing is seeing all you wonderful people writing such nice messages so I know Sean was lost but not forgotten and never will be. Hanging out in my snake room helps too. It's funny how you find out how calming your hobby can be (no matter what it is) in a time of extreme stress. Watching them coast through their cages without a care in the world is much like a fish tank at a doctors office.

Anyways I am going to work on getting back to normal and hopefully helping my family deal with this. Sean will be extremely missed this is a huge blow to us. Thank you again everyone.


09-28-04, 07:04 PM
Im am so sorry, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

09-28-04, 07:11 PM
Marisa, you know that if there is ANYTHING I can do for you, I'm just a phone call away (crazy, my phone just rang as I typed that).. Don't be afraid to use it..

09-28-04, 07:27 PM
Marisa you and your familly will be in our prayers.
God bless,

09-28-04, 08:52 PM
I am very sorry to hear about your Familys loss... Times like this are never easy... You have alot of support though, and that is good! Remember Sean is watching down on you, and he loves you!

09-28-04, 09:08 PM
Marisa, I know nothing I can say can or will change anything, but you and your family are in my thoughts.


09-28-04, 10:22 PM
words can't express how sorry I am to hear of this. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.


Jordan B
09-28-04, 10:45 PM
Marisa, I am soooooo, sooooooo sorry. I wish there was something I could do for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers.


Jungle Jen
09-28-04, 11:17 PM

I write this as tears roll down my cheeks. I wanted so badly to hear of good news. I am so very sorry to hear about your loss, my deepest condolences to you and your family.

Sincerely JJ

09-29-04, 05:46 PM
I am so very sorry for your loss Marisa.

09-29-04, 09:16 PM
My deepest sympothies. I believe He needed one more angel and so may his presence give you strength. God bless.