View Full Version : Nuclear!

09-20-04, 10:53 PM
Thought I'd show this updated pic.

Darn female is a terrible eater, argh!! Yearling size and two years old. Oh well. Male eats beautifully!

This is the male. The female is more reddish, but has muddied up, which happens in females.

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v147/Kattia/Boids/nukem.jpg">

09-20-04, 11:04 PM
vary nice looking hope to have a pair by next year ,just wont by from a store or broker ,love the coulor on them Cat

09-20-04, 11:11 PM
I recommend Roy!

And that's Katt to you! It's short for Kattia.

Don Patterson
09-20-04, 11:43 PM
that is one beauty kenyan.
congrats on such a nice one!

09-20-04, 11:45 PM
sorry about that tried roy and he is sending me to grant and i wont buy from any store rather wait and get a pair from a breeder less problems that way and a better price. thanks Katt

09-21-04, 12:09 AM
Hey Paul, you do realize that Grant has Roy's babies right??? IM almost 100% sure of that.. You should look into it man.. Don't pass up an opportunity to get a pair of these cause it's a 'store'...

09-21-04, 02:10 AM
thanks for the info but wont pay dubble on any thing

09-21-04, 04:37 AM
Well then Paul you might never get a pair. Roy sells almost all of his stuff straight to PCPC.
Mine are both great feeders, one of my Aneries though is a bit slow. I'll have to post pics of mine soon.

09-21-04, 05:36 AM
that is the price some have to pay for what we beleve in

09-21-04, 01:19 PM
Yup. Nothing wrong with not wanting to buy from a pet shop but in this case it might be your only chance at getting Unkie Roy's stuff. You may however be able to get some at next years show. I think he some times has his stuff for sale there at Scotty Allen's table.

09-21-04, 01:34 PM
that is a very nice looking snake!!

Love that amount of orange on it!!

Superb quality and awesome looker!!

09-21-04, 05:22 PM
Wow, I've never really seen a kenyan in person until about a month ago and I must say the ones you have look awesome!

09-21-04, 08:23 PM
Its pronounced New-cu-ler. Very nice.

09-21-04, 08:45 PM
thanks Trevor never pays to be in a big hurry at least when you buy from the breeder you know what you get nothing rong with stores just had to maney probs in the past with mites and other probulms when one carrys every ones stuf witout quarentineing ther snakes and keeping others on the same rack,as all of you will know as well as i do we spend a lot of $$$ on ower snakes and want the best we can get*. Katt very beautiful what more can one say!