View Full Version : Run Chuckie Run

09-17-04, 09:49 PM
I have been watching the events in Gulf Shores Alabama closely.
What is happening in Gulf Shores just plain pisses me off.
Seems the local zoo got flooded and some animals escaped.
So to solve the problem of escaped animals they have decided to tranquilize the cute and furries and are out to murder the gators that escaped.
I am rooting for Chuckie, the 12 footer that seems to have the locals in a panic. Where is Steve Irwin when we need him?


09-19-04, 06:37 PM
I hope Chucky makes a clean break also.

09-19-04, 07:14 PM

thanx froggy

09-19-04, 07:47 PM
I hope he finds his way to savety, even if he has to eat a dozen grandmas on the road to it...

09-19-04, 08:12 PM
They really have no choice but to put down some of these creatures. Humans are now homeless, dead, without power etc and frankly I don't blame any of them one bit for getting the loose animal problem out of the way and under control as fast as possible.

It would be nice if they could save them, but no one should fault them for not having the resources or time in a situation like this. In fact, it's probably in the best interest of safety, and for our hobby to have them put down now before an accident happens which causes bad press. That's MHO anyways.


09-19-04, 11:19 PM
Bah.. crocodilians were on this planet long before humans. I think that is rediculous that they kill them.

09-20-04, 07:34 AM
HAHA Yeah o.k. let's stop ALL the hurricane rescue efforts, and find one croc who has escaped. Let's get all the cops who are searching for people, preventing looting, and cleaning up looking for him. Heck, let's even get all the cleaning crews and emergency people to stop cleaning up the destruction and look. I mean hell, who cares if there are homeless people, hurt people or people looting from others!

Sounds like a good use of resources. Get real.


09-20-04, 09:16 AM
Yeah well, from what I've read, they are out looking for escaped animals. Rather than capture them, they're going to kill them, but they are spending resources on these animals either way. Secondly, the people trained in human search and rescue are not the people trained to capture and relocate crocs, so I dont see it as competing for resources. Yes, people first, but why should we be shooting animals just because it's more expediant than doing the right thing?

09-20-04, 10:32 PM
Honestly, I don't think people should come first.. Animals were on this planet long before any human and all we are doing is destroying it. Nature destroyed what humans built.. Sorry if this offends you but that's how I think, I'm not much of a people person I guess. For example, turtles and crocodilians were around to see the rise and fall of the dinosaurs, and have the capabilities to see the same for humans unless we destroy them all. I'm not trying to argue, that's just my point of view. Animals become extinct every day from things like habitat loss, it's part of life I guess, and people are just another animal.

09-22-04, 02:52 PM
I completely agree with RWG.

09-22-04, 08:50 PM
This is a very stupid arguement and all that needs to be said is that there is absolutely no sane/logical reason why these escaped animals should be killed and anyone who says there is backing or reason to kill as apposed to capture or at the very worst tranqualise (cant spell haha) and then relocate the animals has issues in my mind

what else has to be said...
if anyone on this site thinks the animals should be killed or think that there is no other way should not be a part of this site and herping all together

09-22-04, 08:57 PM
Well. Marisa has a point too. It is unfair to to say it is safe to let alligators who are used to human prescence run free, especially with the situation what it is down there. Some people don't even have door on their homes to lock anymore, even if they still have homes. If you found a 12 foot gator in your home, your reaction to it might be enough to give it the idea you could be eaten. I think it is sick to say that people shouldnt come first. For those of you who are so concerned about the welfare of the gators, I suggest writing to local animal welfare groups. Hell write Steve Irwin a letter. Maybe there are those out there who would be willing to capture and house these animals while florida recovers from the recent devestating weather. The whole story is very sad.


09-22-04, 09:06 PM
Then I think if alligators that get loose from there cages should be shot. If that is the thing. Then if people get in the home of an alligator we should just let what happens to the person happen. Watch him/her get eaten. Nothing personal to all you humans out there but some (alot) of alligators live longer then us humans and deserve to live and kill whatever invades its home. be captive or not if a person invades it's home and if the person gets bit. no one should disturb the alligators meal. Just sit back and watch, close your eyes, cry, run away... whatever you please.

09-22-04, 09:13 PM
Very good points, but alligators don't eat people.. They would only attack if provoked.. I agree that it is a sad situation... I worked at a petstore for several years and had a close view on how a lot of people keep their animals and how many are killed, so I'm not a big fan of hearing about more being destroyed..

09-22-04, 10:16 PM
Actually, alligators can and have eaten people;
I do agree with you to an extent though.

Marisa's points are valid, though if someone spots a 12' alligator the game warden would be called and since the animal would be captured anyway, why not return it to the zoo? After all, the other animals are being taken there, why not the alligator that will be caught anyway?
(More often than not they are not shot on the spot..)


09-22-04, 10:24 PM
If alligators take down impalas, cows, and bulls so they will take down a good sized man or little kid. May not eat them but chomp them to pieces if given the chance, But if they taste our great tasting uncooked raw bleeding flesh. They will most likely eat some of us.

09-24-04, 11:30 AM
But if they taste our great tasting uncooked raw bleeding flesh. They will most likely eat some of us.

Not sure if this is a joke or not but the "0nce it tasted human blood.." thing is all hype.

Just to add to the drama, Charley was caught within the park in a drainage ditch.