View Full Version : some 04' female BCI's.. *pics*

09-17-04, 05:18 PM
I was cleaning out some cages today and decided to snap some updated pics of some of my 04' girls.. Here they are..

Here's one I picked up from Big Dan two shows ago in Miss.. She's growing like a friggin' weed and her attitude is growing with her!..


This one is from Grant at PCPC she has a bit of a reduced pattern and is also growing like no tomorrow.. She's in shed in these pics..



This is my baby here.. 04' female Cay Caulker.. She's doing amazing.. Eating like a machine and growing faster then I had expected.. You can't see it in these pics, but she's got some NICE pink coming in on her face.. No worries Trevor, you're still on the top of the list man..



This girl I just picked up last weekend from Stav.. She's an amazing little one with a hell of an attitude.. Look at that pink coming in!! Can't wait to see what shows up after a couple sheds..



Right after this pic, she turned and took a shot at the camera, luckily I saw it coming :D


Well, that's all for now.. Thanks for looking :D


09-17-04, 05:25 PM
Nice pics babe ;) I love the Cay Caulkers...baby boas have the be the cutest things ever...hopefully one day I can join the club :D


09-17-04, 05:59 PM
LOL everytime you post snakes you manage to squeeze a few new ones past! :p

09-17-04, 08:27 PM
That's IT. Trevor is now on the top of the list? I can't believe this. You told me I was on the top of the list. I see how it is. *hmmph*

Nice snakes man! As always! :P


Kevin McRae
09-17-04, 09:19 PM
Nice lookin snakes:)

09-17-04, 11:39 PM
Looking good bro, I'm having a hard time deciding which one I like the best. I think its still the caulker though that boas saweeeeeeeeeeeet. I didn't get much of a good look at that boa from Stav, but from these pics it looks pretty wicked, knowing you're luck it's probably going to turn into a screamer. Speaking of invitation's... ahem

09-18-04, 12:07 AM
You've got some awesome girls there Matt :) I love the girl from Stav... she looks even more amazing in person! The cay caulker is looking great too... And, as always... great pics :p


09-18-04, 12:41 AM
Nick, no need to pick, they're all staying here :D.. And you have an open invitation bro, you know that..

Thanks for the kind words everyone.. I just feed and clean them, I have no say in how they look..

09-18-04, 04:49 AM
Sweet boas! I want a Cay Caulker :( Take care.
