View Full Version : Finally!

09-17-04, 10:08 AM
Yay I finally got my all time fav corns :) I got some butters whoo who thanks Simon you rule!

Now all I gotta do is get some anery stripes and some reverse okies and I'm good :D

09-17-04, 10:37 AM
Where are the pics~~~

Let me know when you're ready to get some more bud~!!!

After the Anery Stripes and the Reverse Okeetee and you're all good?

I don't trust you!!!!

We'll see later on!!! LOL!!!!!!

09-17-04, 11:08 AM
Cool! Does that Simon guy have nice snakes??? ;)

09-17-04, 11:16 AM
Or what !!!

09-17-04, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by corr
Cool! Does that Simon guy have nice snakes??? ;)

What are you talking about?
I don't have any snakes~~


Hey Corey,
you can also come over anytime to get some stuff off me~~

Still have quite a few left...
heck I just had another batch that just hatched last night......LOL!!!

09-17-04, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by Simon
Still have quite a few left...
heck I just had another batch that just hatched last night......LOL!!!

And there is more hatching!?!? Whoa, I might have to come over and drool on your carpet this weekend! LOL :D

09-17-04, 12:05 PM
Do you take Mastercard? ;)

09-17-04, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by corr
Do you take Mastercard? ;)

does paypal count? LOL!!!!!!

Hey let me know when you want to come over~
I am good almost anytime~~~

Heck I still have a couple more clutches to due at the end of this month....(I hope there isn't more to come though.....I've had a huge season already, they're giving me a head ache............LOL!!!)

09-17-04, 10:17 PM
Nawh Simon's snakes are terrible I only got them out of pitty NOT! ha ha ha

09-18-04, 08:40 AM
Originally posted by Colonel_SB
Nawh Simon's snakes are terrible I only got them out of pitty NOT! ha ha ha


Sure you did~~
"Oh do you mind if I looked at this?"

"Oh can I take a look at those too~~"

I wonder who was the pitty one~~


o> :D

09-18-04, 10:05 AM
LMFAO simma down good buddy ya knw I'm just playin, ha ha ha why else would I have gotten so many from ya over the years? but ya you produce and sweet reverse okee's hold'em for me! oh yeah the little OCC I got ate pinkies she is such a pig I love her!

09-18-04, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by Colonel_SB
LMFAO simma down good buddy ya knw I'm just playin, ha ha ha why else would I have gotten so many from ya over the years? but ya you produce and sweet reverse okee's hold'em for me! oh yeah the little OCC I got ate pinkies she is such a pig I love her!


Hey I am glad that you like the stuff that you got from me~
Hey if they an't eating they an't going~!!

All my animals should be pigs.....!!!

I love little piggies!!

09-20-04, 01:50 PM
I know man you know your animals are the best! and I still want dibs on a sweet male OCC

09-20-04, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by Colonel_SB
I know man you know your animals are the best! and I still want dibs on a sweet male OCC


Hey I have a male adult occ right now already~

Just that you wanted a hatchling~~

Maybe next year man. My females have to rest too~~~

09-20-04, 06:43 PM
what is occ ?? thanks Paul

09-20-04, 09:13 PM
Orange Candy Cane paul :)

Yeah seeing as the female is a hatchling, I know they gotta thats why I'm putting dibs on next years males!