09-17-04, 12:23 AM
Ignorance is no excuse! Failure to make an effort to understand and adhere to the rules will result in a warning, second offense will result in a ban.
No threads of mature content.
No profanity or racism allowed in threads.
No political or religious discussion.
No personal messages. ie. 'so and so, empty your PM box.'
No cross-posting (posting threads in two or more forums).
No advertising of animals or objects for sale/trade.
No advertising of other forums (spam).
No abusive/threatening/disrespectful language toward the moderators (we are just doing our job), or other members. Please treat each other with respect.
No "naming names". This is not the C/BOI, please refrain from mentioning individuals or business names in negative light.
Please post threads in appropriate forums, if you are not sure where to put it, check out This Thread (
Modified by Infernalis to better reflect current rules
No threads of mature content.
No profanity or racism allowed in threads.
No political or religious discussion.
No personal messages. ie. 'so and so, empty your PM box.'
No cross-posting (posting threads in two or more forums).
No advertising of animals or objects for sale/trade.
No advertising of other forums (spam).
No abusive/threatening/disrespectful language toward the moderators (we are just doing our job), or other members. Please treat each other with respect.
No "naming names". This is not the C/BOI, please refrain from mentioning individuals or business names in negative light.
Please post threads in appropriate forums, if you are not sure where to put it, check out This Thread (
Modified by Infernalis to better reflect current rules