View Full Version : Favorite caresheet and book recommendations, please

10-15-02, 06:16 AM
A friend of mine is interested in getting a cornsnake and started asking me questions about them. I'm a former veterinary surgical tech so I know a lot about their health, but not so very much about specific husbandry requirements. I know they are very hardy, relatively easy to feed, and quite beautiful and would make a good first snake for my friend.

I'd appreciate hearing about your favorite sources for husbandry info that I could pass on to Chris.

Thanks in advance.

Scotty Allen
10-15-02, 06:38 AM
Best book in the world is "The Corn Snake Breeding Manual" by Kathy Love. Kathy has forgotten more about cornsnakes than anyone else knows. You won't go wrong with this title. I have copies if you're in Canada.

10-15-02, 10:22 AM
I've never seen "The Corn Snake Breeding manual" but I do have "The Corn Snake Manual" by Bill and Kathy Love. I refer to it all the time. I'll have to find Kathy's other book!

Scotty Allen
10-15-02, 10:28 AM
Oops, my mistake. Correct title is indeed "The Cornsnake Manual". Sorry for any confusion.

10-15-02, 03:10 PM
LOL! I started surfing the net looking for the "breeding manual" and was getting frustrated because I couldn't find it. I can now end my search :)

10-15-02, 04:57 PM
I'm in the northeast US and my friend is in the South, so I guess I'll let him fend for himself and get his own book, but I already let him know how strongly you recommended it.

He has his eye on a snow corn, but wants to do some research first, not only on the snakes, but on the store as well, to make sure they buy good stock and take proper care of them.

10-15-02, 07:24 PM
I've gotten my four corns from South Mountain reptiles (the Soderbergs) at cornsnake.net, I found out that the Love's (authors of the book) also sell over the internet, but I don't know their website.

10-15-02, 09:33 PM
first off...who is yellermelon here? im yeller lol i put that name in and it was takin how odd! oh well guess il settle for yellowermelon. anyway yes im chris i actually bought a corn today. its a...albino motley its really cool the people at the store actually are good people the post on kingsnake alot and i studied them very well. the snake is 2 months old and well started with no parasites or mites (supposibley) guess illl soon find out on that one. he is very alert and will feed sat. i will post pics soon mabey. i am out to buy that book tommorow:) thanx for the help!

10-15-02, 10:01 PM
I have a VERY honorable and reputable breeder who just happens to have some babies right now in the 'snow corn' variety and he guarantees health, won't let a baby leave the facility until it's fed for him at least 3 times, and he's always available to help via email or phone if you have questions. His name is Rick Sladick and his site is

He's an absolutely fantastic person, we drive an hour and a half once a month to see him and buy all our rodents and most of our snakes from him. He has quite a nice set-up, very clean and orderly and very healthy stock, I recommend him highly.


10-15-02, 10:07 PM
Me, I'm a simple and traditionalist kind of gal. I kind of have my eye on an Okeetee at some point, but it's going to have to wait. I still have a slew of hatchling beardies not quite big enough to ship out, plus I recently took in a rescue beardie and agreed to take a green iguana.

Now, does anyone want to sell me a house for very cheap? I'm running out of room for my rescue ops and my own addiction.

10-15-02, 10:08 PM
I guess I can get used to a "yellower" nickname and I'm glad you found a corn you like. Now get your butt in gear and post some pics so I can admire it.

Sounds like a very pretty one but I want some proof!

10-16-02, 05:49 PM
The Love's web site is at


you can get the corn snake manuel on their web site too...and they'll sign it and sent it to you too....

I have gotten quite a few snakes from the Loves and have spend a summer at their place too. Trust me...you will not regret the quality of snakes that they have..

10-16-02, 08:19 PM
The next corn I get will have to be one of the Love's Okeetee. The pictures I've seen are awesome.