View Full Version : Question about breeding

09-12-04, 11:25 PM
Ok, I am very curious about this. I have seen a few boas for sale with various names (eg. BCC x BCI, Surinam x Guyana, etc). How does this work if you want to breed boas and then sell the offspring on a regular basis.

What I mean, is this like crossing a corn snake with a rat snake or king snake? Is it acceptable or not?

The reason is, once I find out what the boa is that is coming to me (there is some disput, the owners bought it as a Salmon, but the seller denies this now), I would eventually like to find a mate for her. I am looking at a true Red Tail male, but just wanted to check before making any mistakes and breaking any "unwritten" rules of reptile husbandry.

Any and all answers are greatly appreciated! Thanks!


PS Edited for spelling errors.

09-13-04, 12:34 AM
generally crossing bci with bcc is a NO NO , but they are your animals so do as you will

people frown upon crossing a hog with and albino or normal yet they are both bci

if your not sure if your boa is a salmon or hypo post pics we will help you out, how ever the only way to know for sure is breed it with a normal bci and if the babies resemble the *salmon parent* then bets are it is.

good luck with your project

09-13-04, 12:54 AM
Thanks Mike, that makes a lot of sense :) As soon as my girl gets here I will post pics to get everyone's opinions :D


09-16-04, 07:19 PM
I don't understand it, but crossing colubrid locales, subspecies, and even species, is accepted as ok. This is definitely not the case with boids. Crossing lcoales or sub/species is definitely taboo. Too many problems arise when this happens. The majority of us generally strive to keep our lines as pure to our abilities. Once even one litter of 'hybrids' have been released in to the population, the purity of that sub/species has been taken away, and the future has been compromised.

Suris and Guyanese are the same snake. They are on the same chunk of land divided by an invisible man-made border. Some people say suris are pink, and guyanas are purple, but it goes either way. I've seen just as many pink guyanas as I have purple suris and vice versa. However, for those that believe they are are the two, even those that do not, still breed them seperate to keep everyone pleased, and have their boas deemed 'pure' by the entire population. Makes for peace and better sales, at the least.

09-16-04, 08:04 PM
Thank you Linds! I deffinately don't want to do anything that is taboo, especially when there is already so many mixed varieties of reptiles :)

I am expecting some photos of my girl soon (they are being emailed to me), once I get them I will post them here :)