View Full Version : Am I the only Fox Snake lover?????????

09-12-04, 03:34 PM
I have noticed in all the forums and in the pic galleries that I havent seen any Fox Snakes at all, I am trying to get a good shot of mine for upload. I noticed very few topics on them, is there anybody out there with these wonderful animals.????????
I have an Eastern Fox about 3 years old.
God Bless

09-12-04, 03:38 PM
i woul have tham if i could thay are illegalin in ont like the blackrats, and, and lol

09-12-04, 03:46 PM
That bites, I read about it in the other thread that someone started, can you get one shippied in from America??????

09-12-04, 04:00 PM
no thay wont let you have tham at all .When i moved back from penhold alb i had to give up my blackrats even though thay were albinos you are right it sucks but what can one do we are little wheels in the big pitcher lol paul

09-12-04, 04:30 PM
i love fox snakes! i used to catch them as a kid, in illinois.

09-12-04, 05:19 PM
glad there are a few of US left............LOL
Thanks for posting guys!!!!!!!!!!!

09-12-04, 05:56 PM
I love'm too, but the Eastern's are illegal here. I wouldn't mind gettin' my hands on some Westerns.

Simon Sansom
09-13-04, 10:17 AM
I'm nuts about Fox Snakes. I live in southern Ontario, Canada, where we aren't allowed to keep them, but I still get to see a lot of them every year...
Unfortunately, I mostly come across dead ones killed on the roads. However, every now and then, I have the good fortune to be able to save one or two - last year I spotted a tiny youngster coiled up right in the middle of the road, and was able to get him to a safer place.

In the spring of this year, my friend and I found a gorgeous large male sprawled out basking on a very busy road just outside the small town where I work. He was easily persuaded off the road and into a nearby scrub-pile.

Another friend once showed me how to actually find them in the wild - hiding under blown-over tussocks of grass near a marshy area close to the shore of lake St. Clair. The snakes where coiled under the bent-over grass, as though resting in a "tent" - very neat! I couldn't believe that we found four the first morning we went out, all hiding under grass.

These are beautiful, harmless and beneficial animals, and people STILL think that they're "Copperheads", and therefore dangerous. People still tell me that they swear they've seen snakes "milk" cows! This widespread ignorance really upsets me, particularly in this day and age of information, etc, etc. - shouldn't there be a mandatory wildlife identification course taught in elementary schools, so that people would at least be able to identify the creatures that share our shrinking environments with us?

Sorry for ramblin', but I love Fox Snakes, and to be fortunate enough to see one any time is a real treat!

I wish I had some pics of some of the ones we've found. I'll have to get back out and look for some to photograph.

Good Thread!

Simon R. Sansom

09-13-04, 11:37 AM
I love foxies, both eastern and the westerns and there's no law here preventing me keeping one. And why do I not own one? Cos noone in Canada has em available! :p

09-14-04, 09:15 AM
Hey Simon

Thanks for rambling.......LOL I wish there was a way for you to have one. I wish we had them here in the wild where I live, unforunitely we dont. And for the South Eastern US they are very rare find. I dont know anyone in a hunderd mile area that has one. and if you do find a breeder or pet store they are outragious in price.

Thanks for all the responses folks.


09-16-04, 11:11 AM
i was just at a show in White Plains NY this past weekend and i saw quite a few. i think 2 different dealers had them actually. i had read on another forum about someone who had them and said they are great snakes, but i havent heard much else so i didnt look at them too much. i also dont remember them being too expensive. i think they were sub-$100 and possible round the $30-40 mark. i wish i could point the direction ofthe breeder, but i dont remember who it was.