View Full Version : Breeding Brazilians

09-12-04, 03:30 PM
Any info on breeding these guys greatly appreciated!!

My male and female are both ready to breed within a few months time, any tips, or ideas etc welcome. thanks

09-12-04, 03:33 PM
should send jeff favelle an email
he knows alot

09-13-04, 05:57 PM
I asked on apparently the "wrong boa forum"..so he didnt give me much info.

09-13-04, 08:02 PM
I asked on apparently the "wrong boa forum"..so he didnt give me much info.

No, you didn't get any info because you're question(s) was too vague. Ask as specific question, and 9 times out of 10, you'll get the correct/useful answer here at ssnakess. Ask a question like "how do I bred boas?" or "my snake won't eat, why?" or "how do I keep lizards?". LOL! Those are impossible questions to answer without writing a BOOK. As much as people love to share info and talk with other herpers, writing a novel to explain the ins and outs of Rainbow breeding when most of the info is available on the Net is really tough. If you asked, "what dates do you all cycle from?" Or, "do females eat during cycling? Or mating? Or when they are gravid?" etc etc etc. THOSE are pertinent questions that would likely get answered within minutes. Historically on this site, if you ask a vague question, it just goes un answered. People like to help, they just don't like to hold your hand every step of the way.

09-14-04, 04:56 PM
Huh..i do beleived i asked for any tips, i do beleive i said i have the basics, but i was looking for any tips that people may have experienced in the past. But..im not going to sit here and argue with you . Anyone elses help would be greatly welcomed. Thanks

Brent Strande
09-14-04, 06:29 PM
It is a really vague question man...

Brent Strande
09-14-04, 06:45 PM
read this thread...


I found it using the SEARCH button on the menu.

09-14-04, 09:20 PM
Just forget it alrite...FFS

09-14-04, 10:19 PM
haha just cant help some people. Snakeeyes I pm'd Jeff some questions I had a few weeks back he answered them quickly and they were very detailed answers. Jeff is very knowledgable and willing to share his knowledge and I really appreciate it. it really is simpy just a matter of a vague quesiton I doubt jeff was trying to be rude or anything.

09-15-04, 12:59 AM
Exactly Darren. I wasn't trying to be rude at all. Its all a matter of helping people that want to help themselves. If you're not at the level where you can start to ask specific questions about the breeding process, then you probably shouldn't be breeding the snakes. But that's just my opinion. No harm intended. But ALL the answers to breed them are already out there. Ad naseum in fact.

09-15-04, 05:29 AM
Hmmm the topic caught my attention...forgot for a second this was a snake site :D

09-15-04, 11:48 AM
When do people start cooling brbs?
How long do people cool them for?
How cool do people cool them to?
Do they stop eating, if so when?
When do you pair them up, Dec, Jan, Feb, etc?
Do you put the male in the females cage or vice versa?
When do they copulate, night or day?
What does it look like?
How long should they be kept together?
When should you try to feed again if they stop?
How long is gestation?
Can the female become bound?
I think that is all the questions I can think of right now?

09-15-04, 07:14 PM
Originally posted by Jeff_Favelle
Exactly Darren. I wasn't trying to be rude at all. Its all a matter of helping people that want to help themselves. If you're not at the level where you can start to ask specific questions about the breeding process, then you probably shouldn't be breeding the snakes. But that's just my opinion. No harm intended. But ALL the answers to breed them are already out there. Ad naseum in fact.

Damn west coast hippies!:eek:

Bill T:cool:

09-15-04, 10:11 PM
Woa...i didnt think it was goin to get this ...stupid, sorry i asked the wrong question and i know you werent trying to be rude Jeff, im sorry. okay.

09-16-04, 01:11 AM
When do people start cooling brbs?

Lots of people do that at lots of different times. I have no idea when everyone starts cooling. I don't cool mine, so I can't answer that. But I do start cycling on Dec. 1st. Sometimes Nov. 15th if I'm antsy.

How long do people cool them for?

Beats me. Maybe as long as their colubrids?

How cool do people cool them to?

Great question. I hope not too cool. They are tropical boas.

Do they stop eating, if so when?

My males stop 2 weeks before I cycle. Or at least I tell them to stop. My females stop feeding when they are gravid (May-June).

When do you pair them up, Dec, Jan, Feb, etc?

Usually I try my first pairing a MINIMUM of 4 weeks after the first day of cycling. But sometimes I forget and its 6 or 7 weeks. No rush. A good cycling period seems to help.

Do you put the male in the females cage or vice versa?

It doesn't matter which way you do it, but I move the males around. I have 6 males and 12 females. I like LESS work. Why move 12 snakes when I can move 6?

When do they copulate, night or day?

24 hours a day.

What does it look like?

Kinda gross.

How long should they be kept together?

Until they stop.

When should you try to feed again if they stop?

5 minutes after. 10 minutes after. 10 days after. Whatever. Its a judgement call based on how heavy the female is. Sometimes I don't bother if she's fat enough. Sometimes I'll feed a female 10+ times during the cycling period. No set formula. Formulas suck for snake breeding.

How long is gestation?

4 months.

Can the female become bound?

Bound with what? Maybe slugs. I doubt with live babies though.

I think that is all the questions I can think of right now?

I don't know, I can't read your mind. ;)

09-16-04, 04:25 AM
Thanks Yoda! Now for clearification question.
But I do start cycling on Dec. 1st. Sometimes Nov. 15th if I'm antsy.
How do you define cycling? I think what I call cooling you call cycling. When some people say cooling they mean brumation, not me.

09-16-04, 04:38 AM
I call "cooling" the cooling of something like a colubrid, whereby the temps are dropped to 55F for 3 months, for example.

I call "cycling" the seasonal cycling of either humidity, photoperiod, or temperature (or all of them) of certain reptiles. I think there's a big distinction and I never use the term cooling for typical boid cycling because on more than one occasion, I've seen this lead to people "cooling" there boas or pythons for 3 months at 60F. After seeing a few of those incidents, I stopped calling it "cooling". I guess people thought that "cooling" meant "cooling", so that's what they did. Hard to blame them, but that doesn't really help the animals.

09-16-04, 01:51 PM
I stopped calling it "cooling".
And so am I. Cool colubrids and cycle boids.
So moving right along then.
When do you stop cycling them?
How low do you let the temps drop to at night while cycling?
Start cycling Dec 1, pair Jan 1 or 7th or 14 etc.
How long after introduction before cortship starts? If it doesn't start in a certain amount of time should they be seperated and fed or something to try and get them going?
Thanks Jeff,

09-16-04, 07:36 PM
When do you stop cycling them?

Usually around Feb. 1st. Depends on the weather. Play it by ear.

How low do you let the temps drop to at night while cycling?


How long after introduction before cortship starts?

1 minute. 10 minutes. 2 days. Never. And everything in between.

If it doesn't start in a certain amount of time should they be seperated and fed or something to try and get them going?

Precisely the reason male combat is soooooo helpful. Not just Rainbows. All boas, and a great deal of pythons.

09-16-04, 07:42 PM
Good stuff Jeff thanks.
Did you find it easier when you had questions that were somewhat specific? I'm sure there are more questions I could have asked but these were the only examples of questions I could think of and the only ones I wasn't sure of the answers to.

09-16-04, 08:02 PM
Do I find more specific questions easier than questions like "tell me everything about breeding snakes"?

Ummm....yeah. A LOT easier. You want your question answered, ask it. You want to know everything on a subject, buy a book.

09-17-04, 05:56 AM
Hey jeff out of curiousity how long have you been breeding your brazilians you know them well. And oh I will also need to know everything there is to know about them summed up in a 1300 word essay do lets say ? Monday? haha thanks for the informative posts im sure that they answered a few different peoples questions

09-22-04, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by sssnakeyesss
Woa...i didnt think it was goin to get this ...stupid, sorry i asked the wrong question and i know you werent trying to be rude Jeff, im sorry. okay.

If there's one thing I learned about breeding BRB's.........don't listen to other folks! Do your own research and then "Just Do It", you know your snakes better than another person. If you stress over it you can forget about babies, follow the "guidelines" you discover from your research and go to it man. There are no hard fast rules in the reptile world, they'll do what they want to do, when they want to do it. All you can do is provide them with the place to do it in!