09-12-04, 12:00 PM
The show is still going on right now until 4, but we got there early, and left early. :P
My photo skills were just CRAP today, and the show lighting didn't help matters much, BUT I did get a few photos of certain animals. Everyone had some VERY nice stuff, and everything pictured was obviously 500 times better in real life so I hope the vendors will forgive these crappy representations.
Stav had a lovely set up, and some beautiful boas on his table. I didn't get any CLOSE photos as I wanted to be quick but here is part of his display.
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Capitol Dragons had their sweet beardies at the show. Some amazing Luecistics and of course all the other types were out on display.
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JD Terrariums had a nice display and some great aboreals out on the table. The two Emeralds they had were just stunning. Picture perfect if not for the bad lighting and glass :P
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Cutie moniter from Jay's Sons Snakes:
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Simon Hamelin had gorgeous snakes on his table, and some nice balls on display. He let me take this photo of a beautiful light colored ball. Unfortuantly I do not remember which morph. But I'll assume a ghost of some sort, as it did NOT look normal. Much lighter. :)
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Some beautiful balls from JenericReptiles. They were so amazing in person, their scales looked so velvety and soft.
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The pics that are in EVERY show set of photos, Corey Wood's ball pythons....I was really happy to see his banded balls. They are really stunning. I love "morphs" or phases that retain some color of normals such as bandeds, reduced, etc etc. Again, these photos are CRAP and the banded especially looks *GREAT* in person.
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I am upset this photo did not turn out well. Niagara Reptiles had some BEAUTIFUL Hog Island boas on their table. Unfortunatly the pic is out of focus, but I wanted to make sure to get it in the post as they really do have amazing snakes and I was almost about to skip my rent to buy some Hogs today from them :P But I guess a pic will have to suffice for now:
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My boyfriend bought a really neat little mini aquascape for his office from Reef & Aquarium Design. They had a beautiful display, amazing fish and plants. This is what we bought:
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And here is the whole display he had set up:
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Canadian Feeders had a table with all the usual goodies for herps to eat. I picked up some butterworms for my Golden Geckos, and a couple Hornworms for my tarantulas to try. My female refused hers but my pacman made quick work of it. Here is my male T, and my female Golden Gecko enjoying my purchases. Thanks guys!
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And some of my favorite members:
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Yeah. That's right. I pasted Matt's face from another photo on this new photo because he refuses to show himself these days. Well NO MORE! :D Heather was nice though and kept her pretty face showing. Thanks Heather. At least you aren't ridiculous like Matt :P
Anyways Grant did a good job again with the show, and the vendors had great stuff as usual. I hope everyone did well, and bought what they wanted. I wish I could have stayed longer but I wanted to go over to Port Credit and then home. :P
Let's see your pics!
My photo skills were just CRAP today, and the show lighting didn't help matters much, BUT I did get a few photos of certain animals. Everyone had some VERY nice stuff, and everything pictured was obviously 500 times better in real life so I hope the vendors will forgive these crappy representations.
Stav had a lovely set up, and some beautiful boas on his table. I didn't get any CLOSE photos as I wanted to be quick but here is part of his display.
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Capitol Dragons had their sweet beardies at the show. Some amazing Luecistics and of course all the other types were out on display.
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JD Terrariums had a nice display and some great aboreals out on the table. The two Emeralds they had were just stunning. Picture perfect if not for the bad lighting and glass :P
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Cutie moniter from Jay's Sons Snakes:
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Simon Hamelin had gorgeous snakes on his table, and some nice balls on display. He let me take this photo of a beautiful light colored ball. Unfortuantly I do not remember which morph. But I'll assume a ghost of some sort, as it did NOT look normal. Much lighter. :)
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Some beautiful balls from JenericReptiles. They were so amazing in person, their scales looked so velvety and soft.
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The pics that are in EVERY show set of photos, Corey Wood's ball pythons....I was really happy to see his banded balls. They are really stunning. I love "morphs" or phases that retain some color of normals such as bandeds, reduced, etc etc. Again, these photos are CRAP and the banded especially looks *GREAT* in person.
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I am upset this photo did not turn out well. Niagara Reptiles had some BEAUTIFUL Hog Island boas on their table. Unfortunatly the pic is out of focus, but I wanted to make sure to get it in the post as they really do have amazing snakes and I was almost about to skip my rent to buy some Hogs today from them :P But I guess a pic will have to suffice for now:
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My boyfriend bought a really neat little mini aquascape for his office from Reef & Aquarium Design. They had a beautiful display, amazing fish and plants. This is what we bought:
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And here is the whole display he had set up:
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Canadian Feeders had a table with all the usual goodies for herps to eat. I picked up some butterworms for my Golden Geckos, and a couple Hornworms for my tarantulas to try. My female refused hers but my pacman made quick work of it. Here is my male T, and my female Golden Gecko enjoying my purchases. Thanks guys!
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And some of my favorite members:
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Yeah. That's right. I pasted Matt's face from another photo on this new photo because he refuses to show himself these days. Well NO MORE! :D Heather was nice though and kept her pretty face showing. Thanks Heather. At least you aren't ridiculous like Matt :P
Anyways Grant did a good job again with the show, and the vendors had great stuff as usual. I hope everyone did well, and bought what they wanted. I wish I could have stayed longer but I wanted to go over to Port Credit and then home. :P
Let's see your pics!