View Full Version : BCI Enclosure Requirements

09-11-04, 07:49 PM
Hey guys

It's my birthday in 19 days and mommy has given permission for a new kid! The only condition is I need to have the cage first (which I always do anyways).

Now for Female BCI's, what size enclosure am I looking at? I would assume no smaller than 6' by 2'. I'm actually thinking of giving 3' deep just for the extra bit of floor space.

I know that females have the chance of reaching around 10 feet, it's not as common as the 7 foot range, but it can happen. I was even thinking of maybe going with an 8 foot enclosure.

This'll be my first time building one. I'll probably wimp out and find someone to build it for me. HEY INVICTUS, WANT TO COME VISIT? Hehehe


09-11-04, 08:00 PM
I have my 7+ foot female in a 4x2x2 cage right now, and IMO it is just fine for her, 3 foot deep would be totally fine but i think a 6 or 8 foot cage is a little overkill. I know a few will disagree with me on that.

I soon plan on going with plastic caging for all my snakes, and the tanks are going to be 4x2x16".

IF my female ever gets over the 8 foot mark, i may just go with a 6 foot cage, but not untill then.

Also if you are looking to build a melamine cage, i have a thread in the general enclosure discussion on how to build them, they are a breeze :)

Also if you are getting a baby, start off with a shoebox rubbermaid and work your way up from there, way better and much easier than an aquarium IMO.

Good luck.

09-12-04, 07:54 AM
lol Jenn... Tell you what, if I do come out to TO for a visit, I'll bring some of my tools, and we'll hit a home depot. :)

For a female boa, I highly recommend a 6' cage, even if the boa is only 7 feet. My adult males are in 4x2 simply because that's what I have at the moment, but they will all be going into 6x2's as well. It never hurts to give the snake more space. In fact, you may find it is less stressed if it's not so crammed in.

09-12-04, 09:48 AM
How did i know you would post on this Ken :)

My snakes are deffinitely not stressed from being in a 4 foot cage, i actually dont know where you would get that from..

But like i said people will disagree with me on this, but it is totally going to be up to you in the end..

So good luck and enjoy your boa when you get it.

09-12-04, 01:33 PM
Hehehe Ken I'm holding you to that. Even though I'm four hours out of toronto! Hahaha I'll pick you up, we'll hit a home depot and you can teach me the ways of carpentry. :) I'm so hestitant with building, I think I'm afraid of tools! Hahaha

For me personally I like giving snakes more room. I'm still leaning towards the whole 6 by 2 thing. If only because when I build the 3 by 2 ones they can go side by side on the top of it! LOL

Het For Human, I've looked at your awesome thread so much and I'm still afraid to pick up the darn tools hahaha