View Full Version : Hemipenis- Varanus beccari pic...

09-11-04, 07:23 AM
Hey Folks,

Just wanted to share a pic of what a hempenis looks like, for Black Tree Monitors. Many people incorrectly sex their monitors, when they see 'something' pop out the cloaca... This does not mean that it is a male, as females will evert their genetalia as well... Males are usually much larger and have a "flower" at the end of the tube.. Females do not...

Well, just thought I'd share...for this is a good shot of one, fully everted.. Enjoy..

Take care everyone,


09-11-04, 08:40 AM
Kool pic man, not somethin ya see every day :)

09-11-04, 09:03 AM

Not something that you see everday....
awesome pic!

09-11-04, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by Colonel_SB
Kool pic man, not somethin ya see every day :)

Thank god ^

But thats about the best picture of an everted hemipenis ive ever seen atleast. How close does a Sav's look to that? I've never seen him evert it in 2 yrs but when i bought him he was sold as a male, and he was in a tank with another Sav his size (1 ft 3 in)so one of them had to be female if not both.

09-12-04, 06:52 PM
Wow, that fella looks pretty hung. This thread should be rated XXX :P

09-14-04, 08:56 PM
A male sav's hemipene looks virtually similar. next time my male everts, i will try to get a pic for you.


Tim and Julie B
09-15-04, 08:14 PM
Educational but nasty! :D
Will a female secreate wht fluid as well? And does a females cloaca come out in two "bulges" as well? TB

09-17-04, 01:12 PM
White fluid is urates and yes females expell urates too. here is a female blackroughnecks hemiclitoris.


Here is a male Togian water monitors hemipenis.


09-24-04, 01:43 PM
Holy mackeral!! Excellent shots!

10-08-04, 09:39 PM
I'm not even going to ask how you got that picture at that angle!!

10-12-04, 10:53 PM
how big will a female sav invert compared to a male....and does a male sav's hemils look like that black tree monitor?

10-13-04, 01:14 PM
A female sav actually has a good sized hemiclitoris upto around 2 inhes. This all depends on the size of the animal in question. If you have a small bosc it will be smaller of course. I would go more by the proportions.

Like how far down the leg it extends. The females will be a smooth pink tube. The males has a funny club like bell on the end. Which when fully everted opens like a flower.

if you see spikey protrusions on it then it is a male, if you do not it is either a partial eversion of a male or a full eversion of a female.

Thats simple right haha

Tim and Julie B
10-15-04, 04:44 PM
My jobiensis stuck his out at me when I grabbed him the other day lil perv. Definately a male!

10-16-04, 09:55 AM
As jody pointed out, here's a pic of a partial evertion of my male Togian Water Monitor's hemipenis. Well, actually, the entire hemipenis, flower tip and all, was out, but he retracted it by the time i got out the camera.. Enjoy...


Tim and Julie B
10-19-04, 07:54 PM
I knew because it looked exactly like the first pic on this post. Good educational thread. :p :D

10-19-04, 08:00 PM
Although both being entirely black in coloration, there were two separate species that I posted pics of. The first pic is of a Varanus beccari, or a "Black Tree Monitor". The last pic I posted was of my male Togian Water Monitor-Varanus salvator togianus. Their hemipenal morphology and size differs greatly, although they both have the characteristic "flower-like" tip. I hope this clears up any confusion you might have..

Cheers, have a great day!

The Odatriad (http://www/geocities.com/odatriad)

10-19-04, 08:01 PM
togian water are beautifull, you like all the most ''wanted'' monitor and it seem you got them

10-19-04, 08:11 PM
Well, I just keep the animals that I find beautiful and intriguing, and are fun to keep. If you are not having fun with the hobby, then it is just another job. It's all about having fun and enjoying yourself. There are other species that I would love to keep, but don't have the space or money to obtain them/properly care for them. Well, there is one more species/subspecies that I would love to get, if they become available to the trade....but that's a secret....hahahahaha

Time is also an important aspect of my hobby, and I am currently at critical mass.. between work and school, so anymore animals, and that will throw off the balance....

Thanks for the kind words, it's good to hear that there are other togianus fans out there...most of my friends think they are just black blobs...they do not see any beauty or intrigue in them, as I do... Cheers, hopefully there will be some captive bred offspring in the future, as I know of a few dedicated keepers who will hopefully get some in the years to follow... The WC adults I have are pains in the asses, but have all the attitude of a WC 'big' monitor does, which gives them great appeal... I certainly know to keep my distance with these guys..... Cheers, I'll post some updated pics of them in a week or so... Take care, have a great day!
