View Full Version : female motley snow

09-10-04, 05:53 PM
a few pix of female snow motley will hopefult breed her in a few years to a snow male ew have thanks corn king
dos anny one have anny tips for taking photis of these guys ,thanks for all replys Paul

09-10-04, 06:18 PM
Oooh, she's PRETTY! I love snows and I love Motleys, combine the two and it's something to drool over! :)

Some photography tips? We got an awesome pic of our snow when he was on his aspen, and it turned out very well, either that, or place her on a dark background so her colours show. Make sure the lighting is good, and of course, a camera with good macro abilities to get some nice close-ups. :)

09-10-04, 06:20 PM
thanks thare my fav corn anny snake that is white lol

corn king 73
09-10-04, 06:48 PM
paul Motleys have no pattern on there belly's and that one have a checkered pattern on her belly lol.

09-10-04, 07:02 PM
i think you need to get the book and read the corn snake manual by Kathy Love On page 105 it says the black ventral checkerboard pattern also disappears when this trait occurs. she has all of the characteristeics inclouding the reduced pattern on the ventral scales . how cares i like her and that is all that matters ,Paul

09-10-04, 07:32 PM

I think you mentioned that you're using an HP PhotoSmart camera and that's what I use as well. I'm not sure which model you've got (I have a '720', 3.3 megapixel) but mine has a feature where you hold the button down and it focuses on the object in the centre of the frame and locks on to it, I try to get it to lock on to one of the snake's eyes.

Light is probably the most important thing to have, natural light is the best but if not that then a dome light works if it's close enough. I never use the flash with my camera, (especially not when taking shots of a white snake! lol!) because it just washes everything out. If you have enough ambient light you don't need the flash and you'll get better colours.

I love my camera now that I have played with it enough to get it to work for me, just mess with it, take a million pictures and you'll get it.

One last bit of advice, if your HP is anything like mine. If you haven't already, get yourself a set of NiMH (Nickle Metal Hydride) batteries and a charger, they last something like 8 times longer than a normal battery and that translates to about 2 hours of use in my camera if I use the LCD. Regular batteries seem to be dead in minutes.

09-10-04, 07:38 PM
thanks mousekiller my camera is a hp photosmart435 3.1 pix 5x zoom thanks i will try that nex time

Kevin McRae
09-10-04, 09:01 PM
Awesome Paul:)

10-07-04, 07:04 AM
well we hav had her a little while and she has shed and ate 5 times so i looked closer at her and there is no pattern on her belly at all .Looks like you can see through her tho verry prity snake .will post pix later today

corn king 73
10-07-04, 08:06 AM
lol hey paul i just got four more like her in a trade lol.les

10-07-04, 12:33 PM
You can't even see the belly in that pic, plus the best way to tell if it's motley is too look on the side of the head and neck. Plus it's a simple recessive trait so if the rents were motley's then so is he lol that simple. Where is Simon when ya need him? He told me how it works and I forgot I think the stripe hasd to meet with the first blotch or something like that anyways..... SIMON HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

corn king 73
10-07-04, 12:56 PM
i sold him the snow and i know that it has a checkered pattern on it's belly and everyone that i have asked said that if it has a checkered pattern on it's belly then it's NOT a Motley.

10-07-04, 01:18 PM
Ive got a snow too. They are awesome!!

Congrats on your new little girl :D

corn king 73
10-07-04, 01:26 PM
ya bartman has a nice snow i've seen pic of it and like the pattern on it's back.les