View Full Version : How to secure top?

09-08-04, 10:49 PM
I've got a mesh top on my enclosure for my snake. I know you can get the clips to secure it on from drsfosterandsmith.com for a little over a dollar, but shipping is 8 bucks and no way am I spending 8 bucks to ship something I paid 2 bucks for. I can't find these clips in any local pet store, so what could I use to secure my top? My snake is only a hatchling, but she looks like quite the escape artist, already trying to climb the walls, and I want the top to be as secure as possible.

09-09-04, 11:08 AM
Something heavy.

09-09-04, 11:10 AM
Yeah I've got some books and crap on top of it, but I like something a little more professional looking. Not just a bunch of old text books sitting on my cage.

09-09-04, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by mykee
Something heavy.
Ehehehe, that made me laugh.

09-09-04, 12:05 PM
"Something a little more professional looking"
Those clips from online that cost $2, but $8 to ship.
To do the job: bricks, books, a human head, a log, boots, etc.

09-09-04, 07:45 PM
im using a half-full paint can right now, it doesnt look very professional, but it works. if you are talking about the kind of clips made to hold screen tops on to aquariums, some are good, others dont work worth anything. i had some(cant remember the brand name) that were for a small tank and they work great. but the ones for larger tanks are shaped different and i cant get them to work at all. they really suck IMO.

09-09-04, 09:12 PM
Originally posted by mykee
Those clips from online that cost $2, but $8 to ship.

No need to be a smartass, I'm already enough of one myself.

Thanks for the replies everyone.

Brent Strande
09-09-04, 11:31 PM
Just pretend that they're listed as $5 per clip and they'll throw in some free shipping!

Or imagine that you got them from a petstore, they really would probably cost that much then!

09-10-04, 12:25 AM
zmonte- the clips i bought for my hatchling in a 10g tank with a mesh top didnt actually fit. The screen wasnt a perfect fit on the top of the tank, so the clips wouldnt work.

I have my snake in my living room, so I didnt want big rocks on top my screen, so I went out and bought a snazzy (and hefty) piece of sculpture. It looks cool AND gets the job done. If you are still determined to get clips, Id check on the return policy before you order them, as they may not work. If you can push the screen back and forth and side to side a little bit across the top of the tank, then I wouldnt get them!



Tim and Julie B
09-10-04, 12:50 AM
Industrial strength Velcro. It was invented by NASA. Cut male side so a small amount is on the lid and a larger peice is on the tank. Use a female (fuzzy) peice without backing removed to hold it together. Cheap and effective. Enjoy! TB

Brent Strande
09-10-04, 02:05 AM
Art, you just have to bend the clips in some if your lid is a little larger than the enclosure...

09-10-04, 04:51 AM
Rreally??? Being a girl I always foget about the "brute force"way of making things work. Kinda silly of me considering my father has utilized this tactic in household repairs since I was a small child. Well I returned them ages ago, after I discovered they wouldnt stay on. This whole velcro idea is sounding really ingenious though..

Still, thanks for the heads up on that one Brent :)

09-10-04, 03:49 PM
Touchy touchy touchy!! That's me, get used to it.

09-20-04, 03:28 PM
If your good with tools fabricate a clip.

10-19-04, 03:30 PM
how about model making clamps thats what i use

10-19-04, 07:33 PM
Try a hardware store. Home Depot and ROna have hardware that should work

10-19-04, 07:46 PM
OK, I just read through this and I'm amazed nobody noticed

, a human head,

in mykee's post , I actually read twice, but not one person comented on it, I though it was hilarious , just because nobody even noticed it.

In the end I would use a brick, but I use cages with sliding fronts, it's so much easier.


10-20-04, 12:24 PM
ill buy them for you at petco and mail them cheap if you paypal me the money PM me if interested

10-20-04, 03:16 PM
I noticed the human head comment. I thought he was just a psycopath being serious :-/