View Full Version : some questions

09-07-04, 02:27 PM
I have a 1 .5 year old green bottle blue T and after this past molt( roughly 1.5 months ago) he has the enlarged pedipalps as seen on male T's. My questions are:
1. How long do they live after these show up?
2.How big do male GBB T's generally get?
Mine is only2.5" - 3"

09-08-04, 09:25 AM
At 2.5"-3" I highly doubt that it's enlarged pedipalps you're looking at. It may look bigger cos he's grown from the moult. A sure way to tell is to look for the tibial hooks on the first pair of legs. Again, I doubt you have a mature male at 3".

09-09-04, 01:59 PM
Vanan, I took another closer look to make sure and he does have the hooks. I also measured him again and it turns out that he is about 4".