View Full Version : Little Lampro Ladies

09-06-04, 10:04 PM
04 Het Hypo Honduran from Tim Spuckler at Third Eye.


A mate for my intermediate hypo tri-color. Her mom was a Tricolor het and her father was a pin banded (black bands) hypo. Her red got washed out in the pic.

03 Davis Mt. Alterna from Dan Vermilya.



I originally received two females from Dan in March, one was paid for and the other was sent for free. The one pictured is the one he sent for free, the other I had to euthanize. She went from Sceloporus scented mice, to brained, to not eating, then finally, force feedings. She also had major problems shedding, she would go opaque, clear, then not shed, her old skin would just dry up, she would be super wrinkly looking and make no efforts to slough it. I would have to soak her and manually start her shedding myself. Humidity wasn't the problem. She lived in a rack with other young snakes all in identical set-ups, that never had any problems. Her sister (pictured) has never had any problems with shedding. They looked almost identical. RIP little one.

Thanks for looking.


09-06-04, 10:50 PM
Very lovely hondo - I have some creamsicle corns bred by Tim - he produces some spectacular snakes.

Very interesting situation with the alterna - I had a similar problem with one of my 2003 hondos - was a feeding snake but would shed the same way - go opaque, clear and not shed until helped manually - had to virtually soak him - would build up several layers if I didn't watch really close because he would shed after every meal. He has really come around this year - still not what I would call a normal snake but he eats three meals before a shed and can now shed without being confined in a humid box for a week or so. Siblings have done fantastic - really weird how that seems to happen with some. Sorry for the loss of your little greyband.

mary v.

09-06-04, 11:03 PM
Thanks Mary. I remember reading your post about the Hondo. Glad to hear he's made it. If she would have kept eating, it would have been a different situation. It was too much to deal with when I sat an watched her waste away, even with force feedings every 5-7 days. Between the assist feedings and sheddings it was too much stress on her and myself.


09-07-04, 12:46 PM
Sorry to hear but it probably wasn't meant to be. Sometimes we have to develop the "live & let die" attitude, it seems cruel but it is natures way. Mark

09-07-04, 08:32 PM
Love that hondo killer colours.

09-08-04, 03:50 PM
Very nice lampros, I especially love the colours on that Hondo, SCREAMER! :)

09-14-04, 10:16 PM
I LOVE that GB Jason -- that's EXACTLY what I want to find. LOL. Sure wish Dan shipped up here, he's got some amazing animals... Sorry to hear about your other girl -- that really sucks... At least this girl is doing well for you though :)
The hondo is a beauty too, got some gorgeous orange on her!

Keep those pics coming, I love looking at all your beautiful milks :)


09-14-04, 11:09 PM
Beautiful Hondo! I just got my Mexican Black King from Tim, very good guy to deal with!

09-15-04, 07:48 AM
those are some beautiful snakes! the hondo has some fantastic color.

09-15-04, 03:03 PM
Awesome grey band :)

09-15-04, 04:05 PM
Thank you everyone.

Jen, you should check out the graybanded classifides on kingsnake dot com. :) Dan has/had some Davis Mt pairs for sale.
Too bad he won't ship up north, his loss. When that photo was taken she had eaten a peach fuzz two days before, so she looks a bit "full", she's usually more slender in apperance. I have an 03 female milksnake phase Thayeri coming tomorrow from Tim Gebhard @ Vivid. I'll get pics up of her in the next week or so.

ZMonte85, I didn't even know Spuckler bred Mexi Blacks. Congrats, they are very impressive kings.
