View Full Version : New hybrid.....
10-13-02, 08:41 PM
Brazilian Rainbow x Black Head Python. Cool?
Darren Hamill
10-13-02, 11:44 PM
Kyle Barker
10-14-02, 02:05 AM
Almost Sh*t my pants untill the pick loaded. Nice snake though.
10-14-02, 05:22 AM
Is that one of your babies Jeff?
lol you jokester Jeff, next time use another boa, so at least it'd be semi beleiable as we wait for the photo to load lol
unique striping on the head...never seen the stripes curve before, is that a new morph l
my brb is of the dotted line stripe morph
10-14-02, 02:40 PM
Gotta stop dipping into the CC so early! But its sooo good, ha ha!
Yeah, its a holdback that I was all set to get some great photos of the other night, only to find out that all the newspaper ink had rubbed off on her head! Oh well. Next time.
white paper towel man hehehe it holds the water better anywho lol
10-14-02, 08:47 PM
LOL :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
10-15-02, 04:29 AM
10-15-02, 09:15 AM
I use paper towel until their first shed (for every snake, not just Rainbows) but when they get larger, they cannot crawl underneath the stuff and feel the weight on their backs, which is VITAL for Rainbows (in my opinion). The paper towel just ends up being a scrunched blob in the corner after a day or so.
I think you have way to much fun with your snakes Jeff. Better send them to me.. I'm way more serious... Ok So maybe not.
10-15-02, 07:45 PM
Perhaps a trade?
10-23-02, 08:59 AM
Thats pretty damn funny. I do have to agree that you have way too much fun with your snakes.
10-24-02, 07:09 AM
LOL Too cute!!!!!
Thats one of the reasons I don't like news paper. I was half awake when i read the post and it didn't even occur to me that i was in the boa forum and you were posting about a cross with a python...
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