View Full Version : Xenopeltis unicolor (sunbeam snake)

09-04-04, 02:40 PM
just picked up one of these (http://www.cryptozoology.com/gallery/gallery_show.php?id=725&c=1054250780) today at the reptile show for 28$. he (i know its a he, the dealer probed him for me) is not aggressive at all, though he does sometimes make a hissing sound (i dunno if this is normal, i hope so). i dont know much about these snakes. all ive found out from the net is that they require solitude and like to burrow, but that they will come out to eat and will easily eat rodents. i named him Bill, and he is truly beautiful. his iridescense is not nearly as good in the picture as it is in real life. this snake is like a living rainbow. its amazing. since i cant find much info on them on the net except for their basic care, has anyone here ever had one before? is there anything else important i need to know about them?

09-04-04, 02:44 PM
oh yeah, i hope i posted this in the right section!! if not i apoligize

Tim and Julie B
09-04-04, 02:46 PM
Man I love those snakes. They are totally underated. I am jealous! TB

09-04-04, 03:43 PM
It's definitely a beautiful snake, but I don't know anything about the breed.

Congratulations though!

09-04-04, 03:48 PM
HOLY CRAP!!! These things eat FAST!!! i just fed it a pinky rat, which is about 1/4 inch bigger than the snakes biggest part. the pinky is f/t and Bill didnt seemed interested at first. he bit it twice, but let go, then i started wiggling it even after he bit it the third time and he constricted it. and as soon as he started swallowing it it was one in no more than 7 or 8 seconds!!! my ball python, of similar size and similar sized food would have taken at least 5 minutes to do the same thing. this snake is incredible!!!

i have one question that i cant seem to find an answer to. how often should i feed him? im assuming once every half a week to once a week but some outside advice would help a lot :-)

09-04-04, 08:04 PM
I don't have any experience with them but I remember someone (don't remember who) saying that they like it room temperature and damp. They are very secretive and much of their time in the mulch.


before that link will work you'll need to replace 'ksnake' with 'kingsnake'.

Good Luck.

09-05-04, 12:07 AM
Feed just as much as you would a colubrid. They have higher metabolisms than most boids. Hold back a lil on the rat pinks though, too high in fat for it. I hear most feed them hoppers to adult mice. I say hold back a lil on the high fat diet as these snakes don't ONLY eat rodents in the wild. As such, they are more used to a "leaner" diet i.e. lizards, frogs etc.

09-05-04, 08:33 PM
$28 for an Old World Sunbeam snake? That's insane! They aren't very common at all, dude you got a STEAL!

09-05-04, 08:42 PM
well i think i know now why i got him so cheap. it seems that Bill has a slight respiratory infection :-( he is blowing nose bubbles and drooling a little bit and he is wheezing some. it really pisses me off because 1) all the animals at the show i got him from were supposedly checked by a vet and in good health and 2) that i didnt know any better when i bought him. he isnt acting lethargic though and is eating well so i dont think it is too serious. ive started keeping him warmer than normal and i think its actually helping, he isnt wheezing nearly as much and he has quit drooling. im going on vacation for 2 days and when i get back if he hasnt improved im taking him to the vet. i hope he continues to improve though. but other than that he is doing great and he is still really beautiful!!

Simon Sansom
09-07-04, 08:00 AM
A friend of mine used to keep some of these guys in rubbermaid containers with slightly moist sphagnum moss.

As you've already noted, these snakes are VERY fast feeders - almost as fast as Spilotes!

Good luck with your new animal.

Simon R. Sansom

09-15-04, 09:26 AM
I've kept 1 sumbeam. I can only give you my experience and what I learned bout them while keeping one since there is limited info, (I think you found that out already) available about X. unicolor. I found they "seem"(meaning trial and error) to like temps around 79-84 and moderate to high humidity.(60-75%).

Heh, and as you also found out there verious eaters and do seem to have a fairly quick metabolism. I also found about that they seem to be more subseptiable to R.I. infections because they require prestience temps and humidity. I don't think there thw more forgiving species to such things as they seem to have a weaker immune system. For exp-I own 2 BP's now and if the temp flucuates by 2-3 degress, no big deal. These guys are bullet proof. But when this sunbeam was under my hands, if the temp did flucuated by 3 or 4 degrees, it would show signs of stress, such as "weezing or loud breething", and the tail flicking.

Also found out like the kings, these animals supposally consume other snakes and smaller reptiles.

They are beautiful snakes, but kinda a pain to take care of be cause they require such stable conditions. I suggest housing in a rubbermaid. I'm new to rubbermaids but I hear quite frequently they hold humidity much better, and a hell alot cheaper than your typical glass enclosure.

Good luck with him! And Congrads!