View Full Version : new call kings

09-01-04, 11:10 PM
Just received 1.1 Coastal cal.kings[adualts] 7 baby cal.kings from Brandon at New line reptiles ,Pleasure doing the trades with you .Hope your friend enjoys the new Jack Russel puppy ? Will post pix tomorrow PS ,Hope you enjoy your Trio of Kenyan's ,,Paul and Gloria Van Hooser

09-02-04, 01:39 PM
good dealing with you paul and i am liking the sand boas more and more lol As for the puppy my dad took it already lol


09-02-04, 01:48 PM
cool she is a good pup just no time with all of the birds and reptiles we have plus three other dogs and one going to have pups soon You have seen some of what i have LOL ,Paul