View Full Version : Red Deer Show Spoils - Post yours.

09-01-04, 12:03 PM
Here are the reasons I came home from the show with very little cash in my pockets. :D

First it was Mark IsBell's table. It's a great place to go if you like top notch colubrids but a bad place to go if you like keeping your money! lol :D

Het Ghost Female:

Normal Striped Female:

Striped Snow Male:

And a male Grey Banded Kingsnake:


Then I gave most of my money to Kyle Kunimoto for the 3 KILLER Irian Jaya Carpet Pythons. Kyle is a great guy with some GREAT animals. I'm sure I'll be doing business with him again in the next while. :)


Female 1:

Female 2:

I tried my best not to give Jeff Favelle ANY money... EVER but he finally got the best of me! LOL :D

Het Albino Male Honduran:

Het Albino Female Honduran:

I'll just warn anyone considering doing business with Jeff; If you're buddies with him, he'll send you the CRAZY snakes! LOL ;) These two hondos are NUTS! But they are also gorgeous and as healthy as can be. Thanks Jeff! :)

A last minute purchase from Darwin's Oasis: (Thanks guys! :))

Het Hypo Male Honduran:

I can't remember who I got these from but I am so glad I found them. I LOVE South Florida Kingsnakes!

Female 1:

Female 2:

I picked up this little, or not so little hatchling from Katt:

Female Mexican Black Kingsnake:

Thanks to everyone for letting me leave the building with such nice animals. Most of them have already eaten for me (no Mark, not the GB! LOL). I look forward to watching them grow. :)

09-01-04, 12:10 PM

Very nice indeed, your love for these species matchs me in Boas. I know how hard it is to think out budget and then these venders at the show find a way to wipe you out on beautiful snakes....lol.




09-01-04, 12:34 PM

The south floridas, I believe came from Bruce of Arachnophiliacs.

Gorgeous snow stripe, I'm totally jealous!! I think your female is a motley stripe, more than a stripe, but a beauty none the less.

I can't believe that mex blk is one of my babies! She ate for you already! Good girl!

09-01-04, 12:37 PM
Very nice snakes Tim! I got some nice stuff from Mark I as well that I'll be posting. :D

09-01-04, 12:38 PM

Thanks guys. :)

Katt, the normal is a motley/stripe, same gene. I'd probably call her a motley too but more of a 60/40. :D And thanks for the name. That IS who they came from. :)

09-01-04, 12:46 PM
THX Tim, great pics! I'll second Katt on where the Floridas came from & that the one striped female is more of a Motley/Striped (Dad was striper/mom a Motley/Striped). Notice how the snakes from Favelle are both hiding their faces in the pics, I'd be embarassed too if Jeff was my "Dad" LOL (Just kidding JF - Nice snakes!) Good Luck with them Tim, Mark
P.S. Stupid GBs! LOL

09-01-04, 01:03 PM
Wow! I like the grey banded king male (nice black face!) and the Het hypo hondo the best! Sweet picks!


Kevin McRae
09-01-04, 01:26 PM
Great snakes Tim!:)

I especially like the striped normal and your second south flordian...she's a beauty!

09-01-04, 01:41 PM
Here are some of the stuff I got at the show.

Beautiful lavender female from the man himself (gonesnakee). Got it in trade after two years of yearning for them. :D

An amazing looking chocolate striped calking. This snake is what Davis Co. dreams are made of. lol. Thanks a bunch Jim (jwsporty), who btw, had an amazing collection of calkings. Some of the best I've seen in Canada.

Not pictured is a beautiful male Taiwan Beauty and a pair of '04 calkings (het choc/albino) from Ken (Invictus). Thanks man! All three were lil riley during pic taking. :) That's it for snakes. Onto the arachnids.

Not an Emperor scorp, but an Asian Forest Scorp (Heterometrus spinifer). Just as big and almost as weak venomed but 10 times more fiesty!

3 Centruroides vittatus scorplings. Cute as hell! Thanks to Arachnophiliacs.

Adult Centruroides gracilis from Arachnophiliacs.

Also unpictured is a spiderling Aphonopelma seemani from, you guessed it, Arachnophiliacs!


09-01-04, 01:44 PM
Wow that CKs Killer Vanan. Is it a female? I guess if it is I know what you'll probably breed it with, Mark

09-01-04, 01:51 PM
It is a female, I think. Haven't probed it myself yet.

I guess if it is I know what you'll probably breed it with

?? I have no clue what to breed her to.

09-01-04, 01:52 PM
ah ok! I now know. Katt's lil striper? :D:D

09-01-04, 02:22 PM
Wow nice grabs everyone :) I'm lovin the scorps Vanan.

09-01-04, 02:28 PM
u can keep snakes on rocks?

09-01-04, 02:37 PM
Thats right Vanan! "Enter" the rocks are just for the pictures I'm sure. Mark

09-01-04, 03:13 PM
Correction to my post. The one labelled as Centruroides gracilis was not from Arachnophiliacs but from Pazuzu Reptiles. Also, a few experts have brought it to my attention that it's a C. margaritatus not a C. gracilis.

09-01-04, 04:23 PM

Nice photos, scorpions......ewwwwww, I shake when I see scorpions and spiders, yet hold 7 foot constrictors go figure, lol.



09-01-04, 05:17 PM
LOL, I find the inverts fascinating but would never hold them. I have an automatic squish reaction when bugs touch me!! :D My kids also like to look at bugs but when they are done looking it is squishing time as far as they are concerned wich I am trying to stop since I'm not a fan of simply killing bugs who are doing no harm going about their business.

09-01-04, 07:10 PM
Well this is what followed me home from the red deer show...the hogg is from Niagara Reptiles and she is awsome to say the least. Also I picked up a pair of Anery Hondurans while I was down there...they are different but very cool

Female hogg

Female Anery Hondo

Male Anery Hondo

09-01-04, 08:56 PM
Nice hondos!!! Are those from Darwin's Oasis??

09-01-04, 10:35 PM
Yup....picked them up from them last minute. Now with the albinos from Jeff F I can look forward to a snow project...should be interesting

09-02-04, 12:03 PM
Cool looking scorps Vanan! I know I saw them in person, but, thos pics of them are AWESOME! :)

I myself made like a bandit at the show. I'll post pics as soon as I can. I got a female Motley Amel Corn, a female Children's Python, and a female Grey Banded King Snake from Mark Isbell. From Katt, I got a trio of Bibron Geckos. And, from Tyrone Smith, I got a beautiful female BCI. Thanks guys!

09-02-04, 01:38 PM
Restrained myself a lot - was so much available - it was very tempting

Corns from Mark Isbell
perfect snow motley female corn

anery striped girl

very nice light hypo male (het amel and anery) - will go great with my ghosts and coral snows

got these a few weeks before - but they are from Mark too - so they sort of count - 1.3 amel striped corns


and the hondos
from Classic - High Water Herps (many thanks to Jim - jwsporty for getting her to me) the most beautiful tangerine honduran I have ever seen - she is so much better in person than her pics!



lastly - arrived a few days before the show from Jeff Favelle
albino hondo girl who is already settled right in and feeding great


A great show in Red Deer as always
mary v.

09-02-04, 07:06 PM
Good scores you guys! I like the equal mixes of boas AND colubrids!! Nice to see! :D

09-03-04, 03:42 PM
I am with BOAS N PYTHONS on this one. I never understand why most people have such an aversion to snakes..... until I see the scorpions in the pet store or on here. My face contorts into a sneer without even thinking about it. Maybe it was the area I grew up in, (west Texas), where I had to deal with them all the time. The tarantulas don't really bother me, I am not an arachnophobe. But scorpions..... I wish I could have gone to the Red Deer show so I could have given the scorpions a Red Wing show (the brand of my boots).