View Full Version : pacman or pixie?

08-31-04, 07:38 PM
i am considering getting a frog and have narrowed it down to either a pacman from or a pixie frog. they both seem really cool to me but i am new to keeping frogs. which one would you guys recommend for a first timer?

08-31-04, 10:12 PM
i havent kept pixies (altho i want one), but do have a pacman and have kept others in the past. the baby pacs that i raised myself were easy, in fact they accepted food off of tongs. my current pacman, who i received as an adoption, was a problem feeder despite showing no signs of ill health. he consistantly refused food until i began a force feeding schedual which lasted over three months. he is now doing fine and eating on his own. so basically what i am saying is, they would seem to be easy frogs, but some wild caughts have difficulty acclimating, and i would strongly suggest getting a captive bred baby and raising it up, rather than going for an adult.

08-31-04, 10:31 PM
A pacman and pixie have almost the same requirements and behaviors. But i think pacmans have better coloring and are just a awesome frog, Especially albinos. I have 2 pacs. One baby reguler pacman, and a fist sized albino. The fun thing about the albino is that it eats rats! i don't know if pixies do but who cares.

08-31-04, 11:35 PM
yeah, my boy eat rats too, and its the coolest thing.

09-01-04, 06:46 AM
I would go for the pacman..they look really nice..very good eaters too

09-01-04, 10:01 AM
PIXIE PIXIE PIXIE best frog ive ever owned (lol "ho ho ho green giant") i love them pac mans dont do anything and manville "...very good eaters" pixies are better eaters

09-01-04, 12:48 PM
it's true that pixies dont do anything. adults can stay in the same position for days if it suits them.

09-01-04, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by thunder
pixies dont do anything

Originally posted by the_frog_man
pac mans dont do anything

so i guess neither one is very active?

09-01-04, 08:57 PM
sorry, i meant to write pacman. i haven't kept pixies, altho i have cared for them in the past. i just know that my pacmen (hehe), once they reach a certain size, are basically lumps. very cool lumps.

09-01-04, 10:21 PM
well thats cool, my gf doesnt understand the concept of a pet that you just watch, but i still think owning one would be really cool. heck i might just get both, in separate tanks of course so they dont eat each other!! thanks everybody for your input!

09-01-04, 10:27 PM
sounds like a good compromise! when in doubt, get both.

09-02-04, 10:43 PM
when pixie are 4 inches + you can hold them i take mine out to sit and hop around on my lawn all the time