View Full Version : How to un-ban

08-30-04, 06:54 PM
I was banned from the chat as most of you already know. I talked to one of the mods and he totally understood where I was coming from. Anyways he has been trying, from what im told, to get me un-banned but its been like this for a couple weeks now. Anyone know how to get reach of maybe the owner of the chat or something. Or someway to get me back on the chat.

Thanks for any help.

08-30-04, 07:00 PM
if one of the chat mods there can't unban you, somethings not right..

08-30-04, 07:06 PM
he said he released my ip but i still cant get on. Then he sent me a message and said something, long story short, he said he's going to try. And i cant even get onto the chat to talk to him so im in a pickle :p

08-30-04, 07:10 PM
who is it? I'll see if there anything that I can do.. Seeing as our chat is linked to theirs, maybe I might be able to talk to someone.. Who knows.. I'll see what I can do..

08-30-04, 07:11 PM
Its the main moderator Jeff. I think admin is his nick. Not sure, cant remember. His nick on ssnakess is alien regeus or something to that.

08-31-04, 12:29 AM

08-31-04, 10:58 AM
yea thats the one. thanks

08-31-04, 11:03 AM
Ever hear the expression 'the check is in the mail'? JMO.

08-31-04, 11:08 AM
No could you explain :)

08-31-04, 11:29 AM
I use an odd type of script to release IPs that have been banned from the ReptiChat system. The program has been messing up lately. When I clear off all the IPs it shows them as being deleted then the next day all of them are back. Normally I clear all IP bans after about two days. Every now and then our system messes up and will ban a whole string of IPs if even one within that domain is banned. I did recieve a message from I think Matt K yesterday that included your IP, Bartman. I went in and unbanned your IP manually. I THINK that you shoudl be able to get into chat now. If youre still having problems then you can get ahold of me and we will get to the bottom of it.