View Full Version : Laws on selling snake skins?
Just curious..
Is there any laws on selling snakes skins.. as in the REAl skin from a dead snake? Just curious.. Like selling a snappers shell or such things?
08-29-04, 09:34 AM
Nothing can go accross the boarder, I was told that by a zoo official but with in the countries boarders, not sure. Check with Canada customs and revenue.
Uh, Dom, you not thinking of skinning your Rocks are you?
No no no .. I have skined some dead animals and got like turlte shells and such ..
I have also done shows for museums where I have gotten some nice like 10 foot longskins .. some bigger skins from Rock pythons.. There just rolled up and I was simply wondering if its legal to sell or even own .. If not .. I don't have em lol
08-29-04, 10:59 AM
LOL! I'm sure someone at the TO zoo would know as well.
Kyle Walkinshaw
08-29-04, 11:19 AM
I have a 13'1" rock skin, my uncle got it something like 40 years ago and gave it to me last christmas. Would be kinda curious what something like that is worth?? Although i'd never sell it anyway.
That's how I felt b4 too Kyle but now I have 5 nice big ones.. no real ned for it.. I have one 14 foot scrub skin on my wall and thats enough to me..
$$ value.. quite curious as well..
Jeff Hathaway
08-29-04, 10:17 PM
Parts of animals are generally treated like whole ones, live or dead, under the law. You can't transport a python skin across an international border without a CITES permit, same as for a live python. You could sell it legally, though.
Native turtle shells, etc. theoretically can't be possessed in Ontario without a permit, except via one of several avenues such as the single specimen exemption, a legally hunted snapper shell, etc. Realistically, I doubt anyone would be coming after you for possessing something of this nature, though they'd probably be pretty upset if people were selling them. $$$ would create an incentive to come up with more such specimens, perhaps to the detriment of a population.
Jeff Hathaway
Sciensational Sssnakes!!
08-29-04, 10:52 PM
Jeff, thanks for getting that one! :)
Jeff, here is one for you to ponder!!!!
Torontos garbage is all going to Michigan these days as most of us are aware. Michigan obviously is across the border.
You know, it's probably technically breaking international CITES statutes by putting dead boids, torts, Iguanas,monitors, Day Geckos etc. in the garbage for disposal, being that they are leaving the country.
Just imagine applying for a CITES export permit to throw a dead specimen in the garbage.
And obviously all those guys driving those giant garbage trucks across the border are technically smuggling. :)
08-30-04, 01:08 AM
It's illegal to dispose of animals in the trash already, so that would just compound matters.
And usually it's illegal to bury them in the backyard too. Love all the catch-22s. :)
Having come from the "dig-a-hole" rural background, what's the legal option in the city usually? Take the corpse to a vet and pay a disposal fee?
08-30-04, 02:10 AM
Well anything taken to the curb is city property, how ever you have that illegal to toss out dead animals... I know our vet does take care of the disposal of animals
Tx for the answers Jeff and everyone else..
Disposal of my aniamls has always been the freezer and eventually skinning it .. my big problem is when yo have to dispose of the insides or even worse.. when i try to feed a pig or goat and unthawed it twic and my snake won't eat it ..
Now I am stok with 20 + pound of roting flesh .. hmmm
I usually accidentally drop it in a near big dumpster lol
It is illegal to throw animals in the trash.
What about parts of uneaten steak? Should I throw this in freezer? What about chicken bones??
08-30-04, 08:06 PM
yeah that is ridiculous, maybe we could all cook our animals that die and say they were leftovers lol. Would it be illegal than?
08-30-04, 08:10 PM
Food has typically been processed and is only a threat to sanitation workers and the public if they consume things from the bin.
Dead animals can carry all kinds of pathogens beyond those of normal decomp.
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