View Full Version : Savannah's and plants

08-28-04, 11:58 AM
I just started using a flourecent light on my Savannah monitor in the day because I only use red lights 24/7 for him because of the nice heat they emit with the light not effecting either of our sleep which we both do for most of the day, he tends to copy my patterns although when i wake up i do notice new holes dug etc. Well a week ago I put a seed in the tank (pansy) but anyways its sprouted w/ in a week of the floro being on their I uprooted the plant and tossed it because I was sure he was going to tear it apart eventually anyways and didnt know if it was good for him anyways, but just wondering has anyone successfully kept a plant of any kind in a monitors tank? I'm thinking of putting in a nice plant for my beardies to eat I've been searching for differant types they enjoy but again would it be ok for them to eat a growing plant? I wouldnt use ferts or anything like that all you need is regular dirt i had in my garden thats all i used for my sav.

But basicly all that talk was leading to the question could a plant stand a chance in a Sav's tank? His tank looks very out doorsy and that would make it look even better. I've seen many places it wont but to me theres always a chance :D and if there has been what kind of plant?

09-02-04, 06:19 PM
I've tried putting real plants in my Sav's enclosure in the past and the outcome wasn't pretty, they were destroyed within a couple of hours (he looked like he was having fun so I let him go). You can try it but you will most likely end up with the same outcome.

Just a question though if you had no intention of leaving the seed in after it started growing why did you put it in in the first place?

09-02-04, 07:46 PM
I put it in to see how fast it would sprout under flourecent light. I was amazed at how quickly it did. It was 4-5 inches with in a week. Not bad at all.

09-03-04, 09:10 PM
How about a nice steel plant?:D

Steeve B
09-03-04, 09:51 PM
I keep all my monitors with live plants and flowers, they love it, looks good and smells nice too!
this girl is having a ball toung flicking the new bloom!

09-04-04, 12:08 AM
What plants and flowers d oyou find to be successful?