View Full Version : Guinea Pigs

08-28-04, 04:50 AM
Anyone know where I can buy frozen adult guinea pigs in Ontario for a good price (must be willing to ship)? My adult burm doesnt want to eat rabbits and my GP supply is getting down to the last morsels, any help greatly appreciated. :)

09-16-04, 06:37 AM
look around for a sales barn we have one every two weeks in odessa ont and thay allways have gp and small rabbits there for under 3 bucks take them home feed them good for a few days to make shure thay are healthy and have good food in ther belly then feed to your snake ,hope this helps

09-17-04, 11:54 PM
Does Mice 4 you still carry gp's? I thought they did... :P
Anyways.. good luck on your search!
Take care
Annie B. <:3 )~~