View Full Version : Hybino Hondurans

08-27-04, 08:56 PM
I just wanna know exactly what is a Hybino and how do ya produce them?

08-27-04, 10:20 PM
Here's a cut and paste from Shannon Brown's page on Hondo genetics
It's from this page

"The third dbl-homozygous (showing both traits) Honduran is the Hybino. We don't know for sure yet if one has been produced, but it probably has. Terry, myself and a few others have what may be a Hybino. The only problem is its an Amelanistic and its hard to tell if its just a good Tangerine Albino or indeed a Hybino? Time will tell and we should see a Hybino, for sure, in 2004 .
Terry has gone one step further to produce a definite Hybino by producing Hypos that are 100% het. for Albino. When these are bred together the Amels that are produced will be Hybinos, for sure. Its fun to see this unfolding year by year."

08-27-04, 11:08 PM
Homozygous Hypo & Homozygous Albino equals Hybino. There are several ways to produce one, but no way to know for sure if you actually have one until it can be bred.

To know for sure right now whether a Hondo is a true Hybino, you have to do test breedings to determine 100%. You'll know for sure it is Albino just by looking at it, but to prove out the Hypo gene, you need to breed it to another Hypo. If 100% of the babies are Hypo, you have a Hybino. If even one babies is not Hypo, you strike out.

As far as I know, there is no way of knowing for sure by simply looking at the animal - yet.

I believe Terry Dunham in the States has one(or more?) Hybinos that he was trying to test breed this year to prove out. I can't recall if he got them to actually breed this year or not. I think he did, but someone else here can probably clarify that for you.

08-28-04, 12:45 AM
Ok here is my next question, why bother if the snake is amelanistic why the hypo gene? To reduce the black thats not there?

08-28-04, 01:23 AM
'Cause hypos in Hondos also seem to increase the red. Increase the red and you have a very very cool snake, whether in the albino form or the non-albino form.

08-28-04, 02:11 AM
Ok, I'll give it a shot:

Normal Hondos tend to develop quite a bit of black tipping as they get older. They start out all nice and bright orange, but most will slowly develop more and more black tipping as they age.

In the albino form, since melanin is removed, they get white tipping instead of black. What would normally come in as black over time, comes in white. A sort of 'white-wash' effect.

'Normal' Hypos get far less tipping, sometimes none at all as they age. When you combine that with albinism, the white tipping 'may' end up being reduced.

I think the ultimate goal with hybinos would be to end up with albinos that don't end up with alot of whitewash as they age...

That's my crack at it - Where's Marc when you need him, lol. :D

08-28-04, 09:11 AM
The only pairing that will produce 100% visual Hybino are Hypo Het-Albino to Hypo Het-Albino, since both parents are Hypos, all hatchlings will be Hypos and any Albino's from this clutch which are all Hypos are automaticaly Hybino's.

All the probable Hybinos out there now are product from DH pairing and are either Albino Het-Hypo, Hybino or simply a normal Albino. These are the ones that need test breeding to determin genetics.

As for the pro's and con's of creating Hybino's, Mr. Will summarized it very well in regards to white tipping, Hybinos will remain very bright their whole life and any white tipping will be barely visible.

08-28-04, 12:39 PM
Ahh I get ya makes sence to me.