View Full Version : back from the cottage

08-27-04, 04:23 PM
Just got back in from the cottage today and had a great time on the new sea-doo, looking for any herps, and just enjoying the weather (for the two days it was amazing).

I found time to take some pictures I thought some of you might like :)

Thanks for looking

Reptile wise, I found 2 garters (I think western) and a northern leopard frog (I believe?)


And here is me trying to fly :p


Some cool caterpillar (couldn’t get a good focus on him for some reason)

And some dragon fly pics that came out much better then I expected :D

08-27-04, 04:33 PM
that caterpillar will become an io moth. good thing you didnt touch it, those spines can irritate your skin. thats what the red and white stripes are for, to warn you. it seems to be in a defensive position. cool find.

08-27-04, 04:37 PM
Yea I poked it with a stick and then it rolled into a ball lol. Found two walking around my cottage. Im also thankfull I didnt touch it.

Is it like cactus spines or something?

08-27-04, 04:56 PM
I believe that your garter is an eastern and your frog in a green frog. But still cool anyhow.

08-27-04, 05:52 PM
the garter is prob right..but as for the frog id have to disagree and change my previous guess. It looks more southern then northern. But not a green frog because the ears are not as big as most greens..just my guess.

08-27-04, 06:01 PM
Awesome pics.... I'm new to this site and forums like this will keep me coming back ... did you use a special camera (expensive?)

08-27-04, 06:02 PM
sorta..nothing SPECIAL but a good cam imo. A sony cybershot 3.2 mp

08-27-04, 06:31 PM
I also think that frog is a green frog. It's not a leopard, nor a pikerel. The bands on it's back legs suggest a green frod, if it were a leopard, there would be spots, not bands.

08-27-04, 11:56 PM
alright, then im wrong..my bad lol

08-28-04, 09:38 AM
Thats alright, i thought they were bullfrogs for the longest time LOL

08-28-04, 11:39 AM
I used to call them bullfrogs too. I used to catch 'cheetah frogs' all the time, now I call them leopard frogs, or Rana pipiens when l feel like showing off. ;)