View Full Version : Anyone Work With Candoia Asper (Viper Boa)?

08-27-04, 05:16 AM
Hey all just wondering if anyone up here in Canada is currently working with this species. Been talking to a few of our southern breeders, and they will ship these snakes to Canada but only with a large order! wich kinda sucks when all you want is just the pair lol, anyways anyone that knows of breeders who currently work with this species please post names, or websites so i can get in contact with them!


08-29-04, 11:24 AM
Anyone At All?


08-29-04, 11:53 AM
You can try Port Credit Pets in Missisauga Ont. They import on a regular basis. I'm not sure if they get c.b. but they should be able to get w.c.

08-29-04, 01:49 PM
Pix, you're so humble.. You should have mentioned that you bred them a decade ago...
The only two in Canada I've heard beeding those is you and Angus in Alberta.. and I think Angus might have had babies from WC imports, not quite sure .
I sure would love to own a couple like these rare red ones(courtesy Jerry Conway)

08-29-04, 01:58 PM
does that not look like a damn sexy powerful boa or what? would love to get a pair of those beasts!


08-29-04, 04:49 PM
Gotta agree with Josh on this one!! They look heavy like a Blood Python and they have a totaly insane color!!! I've been looking on the net for some good infos about them but i haven't found anything credible yet... Do you have any good sources? Hehe, perhaps i should ask Piers?!?


08-30-04, 05:14 AM
try this site....http://www. k i n g s n a k e .com/candoia/index.html for a lil bit of info but im having trouble finding a quality caresheet aswell! best of luck


08-30-04, 08:59 AM
Well thanks Roy but kimbo probably dosn't want to here ancient history.

08-30-04, 12:01 PM
i sure do!!! if you got knowledge on this species, i would very much love to hear about it! these guys fascinate me! so come on!! share the wealth!


08-31-04, 12:43 AM
Not much to tell I kept them low to mid 80s. they like it moist not wet, and like to be in/under the substrait. I used wood chips/mulch and they seemed to do well. once I got them eating they were pigs! If I remember the female ate almost up till she had the babies.

08-31-04, 06:21 AM
i heard these bady boys are super agressive...any truth to this, or did yours calm down after a while?, and if you/ve ever been tagged, how strong was the bite, and how painful?


08-31-04, 08:58 AM
Yeah very nippy. not so much as agressive as defensive. As for the bite, not bad for their size. They will draw blood but its a fast bite and usually don't hold on.
They do calm down if your'e willing to put the time in.
Very cool animals fat body flat head just plain neat!

08-31-04, 10:25 AM
so, im pretty much stuck with getting these guys from the states then? or does anyone have any contact info for any breeders up here? or any breeders down south and what can i expect price wise from a breeder


Kevin McRae
09-04-04, 12:01 AM
these guys aren't a bad price either, a petstore tryed to get me to buy there cbb hatchling for 150.00$ but I didn't like the looks of him....

09-04-04, 12:12 AM
Just do a big order and put what you don't want to keep up for sale. You'll likely be able to mark up the ones you sell for enough to pay for yours.

Free boas, if you can put the money up front. ;)

09-04-04, 12:29 AM
wish that option was a possibility..but alas money i am not made of!

But whom is this Angus individual whom breeds them? and is there anyway i can get in contact with him, or perhaps a website?
would love to gather info from somone who deals with these snakes first hand!


09-04-04, 12:37 AM
Josh ,the Candoia King is Mr. Jerry Conway, an American that has been working with Candoia for many years.
I've corresponded with him a few times over the years and unfortunately last time I enquired he was unwilling to apply for CITES to export Candoia to Canada. Candoia, being boas are all appendix two, so getting CB's from the US is next to impossible. Wild caughts still come in occasionally and can then be re-exported, and they come into the pet trade every now and then from large US wholesalers.

I wanted some of Jerry's Isabel Island Paulsoni to add to my group, but it never happened.
Jerry Conway has a great website you should check out for some awesome pictures (and info) of the various Candoia he has worked with.
Unfortunately I can't link to his site as it's on King snake, but if go over there and look under " caresheets, FAQ's,features" you'll find "The Candoia Page"
Change the middle word

09-04-04, 12:41 AM
grrr...starting to look like a dream snake is going up in smoke...

really wnated to bring a pair of these into canada, or 2.2 or heck maybe even a 3.3 or 4.4 pair and get these badboys into canadian hands! oh well...perhaps he'll make an exception if im gonna take quite a few of them hehehe thnx for the help Roy!


09-04-04, 04:17 PM
Well i'm going to order some at the store i work at, probably comming in next week, they will be sold under 150$ each... New Guinea Viper Boas... If you guys are interested, i might pic more than just two...
