View Full Version : Anacondas 2: Hunt for the blood orchid

Jordan B
08-27-04, 01:59 AM
Does anyone else get pissed of by all of these movies making snakes into huge deadly man hunting bloodthirsty creatures? I mean, come on, a 70 foot snake that flys out of the water and devours people for fun? The problem is that the general public will believe these lies and then we have reptile bans. In the first anaconda, they did a "Facts about anacondas" thing before the movie claiming they commonly grow to over 60 feet, love to hunt people, etc. In the previews for Blood Orchid they say that "anacondas grow until they die and that by eating the blood orchid they never die :confused:. Hmmmm.... snakes don't eat plants lol! How do you guys feel about all this?


08-27-04, 02:29 AM
i hardly doubt that the general public will believe this , can any animal on earth move 50 feet per second or what ever they claim?
and do you really think that people will believe that there is a plant that can give an animal imortality?
i like these corney movies


08-27-04, 06:51 AM
Yeah I am going to see it this evening

08-27-04, 07:00 AM
heh heh...I think it's funny. When I used to rock-climb 5 days a week, me and my climbing buddies liked watching movies like "Cliffhanger" and laughing at the liberties they take with our sport and with the laws of science. Movies like Anacondas bring out the same instinct in me. I am definately going to see it, and I will definately get a kick out of it.


08-27-04, 07:15 AM
i hardly doubt that the general public will believe this , can any animal on earth move 50 feet per second or what ever they claim?

It happens...before I ever got into herps and I saw the original Anaconda, I know I was scared ****less of them. (I was a lot younger OKAY.) Then I was told a friend had an anaconda, and I was like WHAT??? :eek:

Aside from the blood orchid part, this movie coooouuuullld have negative reprocussions on the community, but still, it's doubtful.

And Jennifer Lopez isn't even in this one to get eaten :(

Forgive me, I haven't had my coffee yet.

08-27-04, 07:25 AM
I agree with Jordan. These movies really suck. If you want to see something stupid watch a Tom Green movie. There will be some out there that will believe this type of crap thou.

Like BoAddict said what animal can move 150 per sec and weigh 1200lbs? Damn a shark can't even move that fast.

The good thing I have seen this week is that during all the radio interviews I have been doing no one believes anything about the show. I even had a guy who said he know crap about reptiles and that the movie looked dumb.

So far the only truthful thing I has seen during the previews is the "snake orgy in the jungle" I would save your money and wait till it comes out on DVD.

08-27-04, 07:47 AM
I posted in another thread JUST like this.....

All movies are just exgerating reality or making up something to excite and scare us...."real" is normally scary. We all know this. We don't all think our gilrfriends and boyfriends should look like movie stars, we don't all think Superman is real because we saw a movie, and we certaintly don't think we can all use a web slinger to save lives in New York City after a spider bites us and gives us super human powers.

Maybe the movie will scare people. But I highly doubt it will have ANY effect on the reptile hobby.


08-27-04, 08:16 AM
and we certaintly don't think we can all use a web slinger to save lives in New York City after a spider bites us and gives us super human powers.

Now I have to make new plans this weekend...thanks Marisa. :mad:


08-27-04, 08:23 AM
It's not going to have effect on the reptile hobby itself, the movie will have effect on your sterotypical 'Girls' (no offense to any non-sterotype girls) the type that giggle a scream and act stupid for their boyfriends. I know personally, these are the type who are like "I can't even watch the previews for anoconda, they are too scary!" and then they ask me stupid questions. It will also have effect on children who don't know better- and, last but not least, it would affect me if my dad or grandma watched it, because they would WANT to believe it, in order to get me out of my newly found reptile hobby! I'm so lucky that at least my mom is supportive of my interest...

Last of all, yes, the movie is stupid, and it's actually pretty pathetic. The first one was done poor. I want to see the second one- so that I can mock it, and laugh, if you want a horror movie, don't get one about snakes unless you know nothing about snakes.

All throughout history, snakes have been feared. Why? Because no one new real facts about them. They would kill good snakes in their barns (good in barns because they eat rodents), in fields (also good for the same reason) and anywhere else they came upon them. People can live side by side with uncaught snakes, and survive. Most just haven't learned how...

08-27-04, 08:46 AM
"Does anyone else get pissed of by all of these movies making snakes into huge deadly man hunting bloodthirsty creatures"?

Jordan, do you actually get pissed off? It's hollywood? Big fake snake for fun? Entertainment!

I love it.

08-27-04, 09:10 AM
I think these kinds of movies are fun. I'm quite sure most people don't believe in everything they see on tv. If they do, well, maybe they're nuts anyways! ;)

I found this review, and it pretty much sums up my feelings on the movie:

Fri, August 27, 2004

Snake Charmer

Anaconda sssssequel is sssssilly, ssssslithery fun

By bruce Kirkland

Hollywood has been exploiting ophidiophobia for 100 years. Sounds esoteric,
but it's a slam-dunk scare. The phobia involves people's irrational fear of
snakes. According to phobia expert Jan Heering, seeing a snake (or even just
thinking about one) can result in these symptoms: Breathlessness, dizziness,
excessive sweating, nausea, dry mouth, shaking, heart palpitations,
inability to speak or think clearly, a fear of dying, becoming mad, losing
control, a sensation of detachment from reality or a full-blown anxiety

Jeez, sounds just like what happens to the hapless characters in director
Dwight Little's monster movie Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid, a
sort-of sequel to the 1997 movie in which Jon Voight becomes a gastronomic

Overblown and full of nature-science flubs and outright snake lies -- the
biggest whoppers I've ever heard about anacondas -- the new movie is one of
those guilty pleasures that strides boldly along the fine line between
complete crap and cult favourite.

Thanks to the humongous snakes here, all created by computer digital
imaging, Anacondas manages to lean toward cultish. It is a slithering
sensation of silly fun. So we are talking B-movie status here.

Still, thanks to a decent collection of actors -- some of them disposable
enough to feed to the ravenous snakes head-first -- the human part of the
film is delivered with more conviction and panache than in most flicks of
this genre.

The best of the bunch in Anacondas are KaDee Strickland (as the brainy
babe), Johnny Messner (the gruff Bogie-wannabe), Morris Chestnut (the bright
but greedy businessman), Karl Yune (the cucumber-cool sidekick) and Matthew
Marsden (the mad scientist whose English accent mandates just how insane he
will get in an all-American B-movie).

This motley crew ends up in the wilds of Borneo looking for a rare orchid
that is supposed to provide fountain-of-youth benefits. Trouble is, the
region is infested with giant, man-eating anacondas. And this expedition is
abysmally organized.

In real life, of course, green anacondas don't live in Borneo, they don't
get as big as the mega-monsters in the movie and they don't consume humans.

And no expedition would be this ill-equipped.

But let's be honest. Cult movies have little or no relation to real life.
This is not the Discovery Channel. Instead, it's ophidiophobia gone berserk
for the sake of cheap yet hilarious thrills that were bloodless enough to
rank Anacondas as a PG kiddie flick.

08-27-04, 09:22 AM
Originally posted by marisa
... and we certaintly don't think we can all use a web slinger to save lives in New York City after a spider bites us and gives us super human powers.

Wait a second. You mean that wasn't really true? :confused:

08-27-04, 09:31 AM
Borneo? You kidding me? Would it have killed them to set it in the Amazon?

I seem to recall the trailers claiming they moved at 50ft/sec. That would be...hmmm...300ft/6 sec, 900ft/18 sec, about 20 sec/kilometer. 3 kilo/min = 180 kilometer/hour or what...about 100 miles/hour?

Man I am SO looking forward to this movie!

Incidentally, anyone interested in anacondas should check out Jesus Rivas's web site (google it yourself...I'm too lazy). He has done a lot of field research in the Amazon, and even has an article on predatory attacks on humans. Good reading.


08-27-04, 10:07 AM
I find it pathetic that they are making movies like this. I hate it when they display different animals as if they were blood-thirsty.

Another problem is the media. I was watching a special on Discovery last night about sharks, and it showed this guy who spends his whole life with sharks, and has only been bitten once because of a colleague's mistake. Anyways, they had stated that there were more shark attacks the year before the media was presenting all of the news of 'horrific' attacks to the public; such as the following:

I know that there are some innocent deaths and injuries from sharks, but it's just like anything else in the world. You're more likely to be in a plane crash than be bitten by a shark.

I think of sharks like bees; if you leave them alone, they'll leave you alone. If you wave your hands around like an insane idiot, more will come, and something is more likely to happen.

If people keep on going to see these movies in the theatres, the filmmakers will think that we actually like them; therefore, they will make more. The gullable people who are going to see these movies are basically being 'brainwashed' into thinking that Anaconda's are gruesome and horrible creatures. I say that Michael Moore should do a documentary on the REAL and TRUE behaviour of animals.

08-27-04, 12:37 PM
well I mean it is a movie and most people can establish a differnce, I dont go out watch star wars and think that everyone with a red lightsaber is a jerk... because its just a movie :P

08-27-04, 12:43 PM
So if you are in the ocean and a tiger or bull shark bumps you, you can just 'ignore it'?
Good plan stan!
That's an 800-1600 pound Bee with a ton of teeth and a big stomach.
I'll be the one waving around screaming my head off and b-lining it to shore. You can hand out and ignore nice Mr. Bumblebee.

08-27-04, 12:51 PM
Sad thing is Idiots evereywhere will be buying them now. Since the trailer first came out I have had 2 calls about people looking for Anacondas because they saw the commericial. Yes inadvertantly these movies do damage the Herp community : ( Lets hope that the people selling them show some discretion as they should always, Mark

08-27-04, 01:52 PM
well, how many people were apparently afraid to go into the ocean after watching Jaws? i think it will have *some* effect. may not be much of one, but it'll be there. but then maybe some people will see the movie and be curious about anaconda's a herps in general and look into them.
the movie irritates me but apparently it's amusing enough to hear me rant about it that my friends are thinking of taking me to see it just for the hilarity of my reaction. lol

08-27-04, 02:55 PM
I absolutely love crappy movies like these :D I loved the first (only because of a) Owen Wilson and b) the snake lol). I actually love stupid reptile movies. anyone remember Komodo?


PS Did anyone see Holes? What did you think of it? (I haven't seen it, yet ;) )

08-27-04, 03:04 PM
I remember when I saw "A Nightmare on Elm Street" for the first time, I couldn't help myself from killing all the neighbourhood teens.

08-27-04, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by capsicum
I actually love stupid reptile movies. anyone remember Komodo?

I work for the Special Effects company that did that Dragon work for that movie :)

Its on Sci Fi Ch. all the time!

08-27-04, 05:49 PM
Which company do you work for?

Are you in Hollywood?

I have a friend that does AVID movie editing for a BIG company. She edited Face Off with Cage and Travolta.

Jordan B
08-27-04, 08:30 PM
Jordan, do you actually get pissed off? It's hollywood? Big fake snake for fun? Entertainment! I get annoyed, not tear out my hair mad lol. It gets hard to root for the herps when they always die, even when they're hunting J-lo :D! It's things like what gonesnake was saying, people will now go buy anacondas and then the snakes will either die or escape, and then we have herps banned.

08-27-04, 08:46 PM
I agree with that. I went to go reant the first one tinight for sh*ts and giggles and it was gone. How often is that rented?

08-27-04, 10:25 PM
$crew this movie. the first one was horrible anyways.

08-27-04, 11:24 PM
I just got back from watching Anaconda 2, I would definitely recommend AGAINST waisting your money on this movie - it was absolutely horrible.

As for the movie giving bad publicity, give me a break, are people really THAT stupid?

08-28-04, 05:24 AM
Originally posted by PuNkuPoNAsTAR
And Jennifer Lopez isn't even in this one to get eaten :(

Did she get eaten in the first one? If she did, I'm sure her back end would make quite a lump :P

08-28-04, 06:21 AM
Why don't they just call this movie

"Anacondas: The Hunt for a Plot"


"Anacondas: The Hunt for More Money"

I will NOT be going out of my way to see this film.

08-28-04, 06:25 AM
You said it Ken. I really hope people aren't stupid enough to actually believe that **** and they go for pure entertainment purposes. I for one will not waste my time or money to go see it.


08-28-04, 07:04 AM
Originally posted by gonesnakee
Sad thing is Idiots evereywhere will be buying them now. Since the trailer first came out I have had 2 calls about people looking for Anacondas because they saw the commericial. Yes inadvertantly these movies do damage the Herp community : ( Lets hope that the people selling them show some discretion as they should always, Mark

Heheh sell them corn snakes... call them anacorndas...

08-28-04, 08:36 AM
LMAO..."This doesn't look like the snake from that movie...."

"Oh trust me....The high orange colour will fade as the snake eats more!"


Jordan B
08-28-04, 01:15 PM
"Anacondas: The Hunt for a Plot" LMAO Ken! I think that sums it up nicely:)! Did she get eaten in the first one? If she did, I'm sure her back end would make quite a lump :P Sadly she wasn't eaten, which was one of the reasons it was so bad. If the snake ate her it wouldn't need to feed again for at least a year lol.


08-28-04, 02:38 PM
Sadly enough I've talked to quite a number of people who believe all the lies these movies feed them and still believe it after I tell them it's not true. These kinds of people are going to find a way to be afraid no matter what. Americans are fed fear everyday of there lives and it's up to them to go out and find the information for themselves, sadly most of them don't. Media owns people controlled by fear, like they're bloody zombies. Some will never get over fears because they've been scared there whole lives and are too afraid to change.

So go and try to enjoy this slap stick movie and have a good laugh. The stupid people around you are just going to find another way to be afraid even if there wasn't movies like 'Anaconda'.
