View Full Version : Story for you monitor people
Jordan B
08-27-04, 01:42 AM
Hi everyone,
I know a person who works at a pet store near me wich has all kinds of birds, herps, fish, etc. Anyway, while cleaning a sav cage she picked it up to check for mites, and opened her mouth to say something to the manager. Suddenly, the sav whipped it's tail around and crapped into her mouth, and because it was open it went down her throat! :medpuke: Yum! Anybody have similar storys lol?
08-27-04, 09:53 AM
mmm thats a feel good story first thing in the morning
mmm nothing like monitor pooh for breakfast!
thats gotta be the most disgusting story i've ever heard. I can't even begin to imagine what kind of stomach ache she had after that not to mention the difficulty shes goin to have finding a date!
08-27-04, 12:22 PM
seems a little made up to me ;) but who knows
08-27-04, 02:33 PM
made up or not i know what my savs poo looks like and just the story fake or not is enough to make ya a bit uneasy :D
08-27-04, 04:18 PM
Well, that was pretty nasty! Here are two events that occured; 1 to a friend of mine, the second happened to me.
1. A friend of mine had a V. salvator that stopped feeding, so he took it to the vet. The vet gave it the usual exam, and finally examined its cloaca region, leaning over examing the cloaca close up
-> well you know what happened? Yup, the salvator fired a week of cloaca juice/poo/urea right into the vets face/open mouth.... my friend asked him if he was ok!? He shook his head no, and ran out and vomited into a pail, whereby he immediately cultured and gave it a microscopic exam for what he just had in his mouth! Yuch!!
2. I was examining a hatchling V. albigularis I had, when it vomited on me, right on the side of my face, below the eye on my cheek running down my neck and chest (under my t-shirt). I had a half-dissolved hopper mouse sitting on my cheek, I could see its tail with the half digested mouse hanging on my cheek. I thought I was going to 'lose it' but I am proud to say I did not, cleaned myself up and that was that....
Ive been shat upon, bitten, tail lashed across the eyes, scratched, and vomited on - all in a days work with any Varanus...
08-28-04, 07:34 PM
hehe nothing a nice cold beer wouldnt wash down:)
08-28-04, 09:40 PM
Ive been shat upon, bitten, tail lashed across the eyes, scratched, and vomited on - all in a days work with any Varanus...
I really love my fat-tail and leopard geckos even more now ;)
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