View Full Version : Turtles in New Brunswick?

08-26-04, 03:44 PM
Hi Everyone,

I've been reading this list for a little while, and looking at the classifieds for even longer. My boyfriend and I are looking to adopt / purchase a terrestrial turtle, preferably an eastern box because we know a little bit about them.

The problem it it's illegal to sell them in New Brunswick. We've had little luck in finding anything on the classifieds so far, although we've made some enquiries. Westjet does not fly to Fredericton, so that limits the shipping options a little (Air Canada does). I'm not sure if we're being a bit impatient!! Have any of you got any stories about the first turtle you adopted?

If anyone has any advice regarding adoption of a turtle in the maritime provinces, I'd love to hear from you.


08-26-04, 07:28 PM
RES sliders are in pet shops again so why is that box turtles are illegal? There are two herp sites in NB that you might want to try. Maybe someone there can help, Atlantic Herp Club (http://http://groups.yahoo.com/group/atlantic_herp/) and NB Herp Club (http://http://groups.yahoo.com/group/nbherpclub/?yguid=93387633)
Good luck,
I have two friends coming down from Toronto in September and one breeds Box turtles. His name is Chris Riedinger from Reptile Headquarters. Maybe he can bring you something or find you something.

08-27-04, 07:37 AM
Hi, I don’t know of any people right now with box turtles, but is your preference limited too the one species ? RES are always floating around looking for homes. And there are also a few people dealing with Tort's If your interested I could try too contact them . My e-mail is devoncartier@rogers.com, Drop me a line if you want. I don’t like too post other people info on the net. And on a side note do you keep anything else ?? I'll be back in Fredericton in a week. Its always great too meat other herpers in the area.


08-31-04, 02:13 PM
Trevor, if your buddy from Toronto can find us a terrestrial, that would be GREAT!!!! Please contact me at meredithh@rocketmail.com

Thanks fellas for your feedback. The reason RES are available (apparently) is that they are purchased in ON, which is legal. But I still don't understand how they can be sold here. I've only heard of one store in Fredericton that stocks them, and I don't think they're getting any more.

We're not exactly limitting ourselves to box turtles, but we want a terrestrial (hence no RES). A friend of ours has an eastern box, and they seem to be the most common, and possibly the easiest to aquire!

09-01-04, 04:31 AM
I love boxies but I love russian torts more. There is a guy in Saint John that used to work with them. He still might, not sure. You can check on the Atlantic Herp site. You can advertise there too. You might find someone with one there for sale.