View Full Version : TARAS Fall Show and Sale September 25-26 2004 Big 4 Building

Greg West
08-26-04, 12:31 PM
The Albera Reptile & Amphibian Society has their annual fall show and sale on September 25th & 26th this year. It will be held at the big 4 Building on the Stampede grounds. Cost is $5 for adults, $3 for ages 4 - 12 and 3 and under are free, and students are $4.00. If you would like to book a table or just need more information please feel free to email me at cornelius85@cornelsworld.com, or give me a call at 285-0998. You can also check out the TARAS website for more information.

Greg West
TARAS President

Vendor lists will be made available in the next couple of days. Right now we have 100 tables booked. It will be a huge show this year.


08-26-04, 04:55 PM

Who is bringing and selling boas and pythons to this show?

Please list what your selling in these species, it would help me better to decide if I should make the 15 hour drive.

Thank you.

