View Full Version : Psalmopoeus irmina?

10-11-02, 06:28 PM
Any of you invert guys keep this species? I saw this pic on the web and it's gotta be one of the prettiest tarantulas I've ever seen. I hope the pic works...here's a link to the site I got this from Big Hairy Spiders (http://www.bighairyspiders.com)


10-11-02, 07:38 PM
Wow! That is quite an impressive tarantula!!! I'm drooling here! :) Do you know the latin name for it?


10-11-02, 08:08 PM
You know, that DOES look pretty cool. I really wish I wasn't such a baby when it came to spiders. At least I'm trying to educate my kids into being more tolerant.

10-11-02, 08:19 PM
The latin name is Psalmopoeus irmina

10-11-02, 10:19 PM
Thanks, I hadn't even noticed it in the header!!! Oops!


Paul McCleary
10-12-02, 12:53 AM
Not all that long ago, these were amongst the most sought after and expensive Ts. Initially, they were pricey since - being an aggressive, arboreal species - collectors often had to climb to a considerable height and risk a painful bite (and the subsequent dangerous fall) to catch 'em!

Today, they are seasonally available as more affordable, captive-bred 'lings. While still quick, I find that captive-produced P. irminia aren't quite as aggressive as their wild-caught counterparts (though I stay alert and keep my hands well clear when 'interfacing'...).