View Full Version : What is your favorite morph?
Kevin McRae
08-26-04, 01:06 AM
What is your favroite morph of a ball python?
Mine is a high-yellow albino.....
08-26-04, 01:18 AM
I have to go with mojave. But it's a tough call. :)
Favourite if only I could afford it, I'd have to go with a mojave as well.
Favourite overall to work with would be pastel, because:
1) The least expensive morph
2) Barring a kick in the nuts by the odds god, you get first generation results
3) When combining it with other morphs (including normals and other pastels), you never quite know what you're going to get.
4) They just look darn nice.
My favourite ball python on the other hand, the first one I ever got, is just a high gold normal.
Kevin McRae
08-26-04, 02:30 AM
Do u guys have any pics of a mojave?
*not the rattler*lol
08-26-04, 06:37 AM
08-26-04, 07:43 AM
Originally posted by robitza
I have to second that.. I was talking about morphs with my wife last night, and even though a pied is not the most expensive morph, it is one of the most mesmerizing I've seen (pictures only so far)... and nothing is going to beat a pastel pied.. I just can't wait to see that.. or even better, a super pastel pied!! High-contrast albino will also always be a favorite...
I also really like the mojave and platinums (including the lessers).. they're all similar looking with colors varying somewhat... Even though the lucy is probably the most expensive morph on the planet, it would not be my favorite... the newest morph that really took me off-guard is the paragon (still unproven at this point). There was a lot of talk about it at the last Daytona show...
Anyways, there are very few that I do NOT like, but a few that are favorites..
It's pretty much been Mojaves for me too. I like them because while they look NOTHING like a normal, they look like EXTREME normals to me....It's hard to explain...I like morphs that keep some of the normal idea.
I also like those Pewters....very nice.
08-26-04, 10:30 AM
look in this forum I think it was Henry P who posted pics of mojaves
My very all time would be Axanthic... maybe in a few years. ^_^ Right now I'm just beginning, and so only have one, a normal.
There is no colour morph of ball python that I do not like though ^_^
Super pastel, hands down. Clowns would be second choice, then pieds. I love them all. :)
hey Kevin, I believe it was actually Don Patterson who has some available and he posted pics very recently. My fav would have to be pied and clown.
Pastels and/or albinos. By far.
Orange Ghost Spider
Maybe a Pastel Orange Ghost Spider when it's produced.
Kevin McRae
08-26-04, 11:54 AM
okay guys....thanks:)
08-26-04, 02:47 PM
wow, only one other person goes with me on this one.... strange!
I LOVE AXANTHICS!!!!!!! the black and grey ones of course, not those normals that people try to pawn off constantly as axanthic. Thank GOD the real ones have dropped in price and I might actually own one some day!!!
Other than that, the mojaves are pretty darn great too, waiting for them to drop below $20 grand though, craziness! I'm not really morph crazy for anything else, i mean, there's some really kewl looking ones, but nothing that really catches me like the axanthic.
At the daytona show there was the NERD chocolate ball, and the BLACK ball from..... i have no idea....... but it was the neatest one i've ever seen. It was just great seeing all the really high end stuff right in front of me, and the crazy people who actually let me HOLD them! ;)
08-26-04, 03:33 PM
personally, i find the pinstripe to be super awesome in pics, tho i have never seen it in person. i also saw a pic of a lemon pastel pinstripe (lemon blast) that just about blew my mind.
but a high contrast albino will always be up there.
08-26-04, 05:02 PM
Hmmmmmm that be hard but I have always loved certain morphs and in this day and age there are always new ones I guess.
Listing from my favorite 1st...
1. Pied Ball Pythons
2. Albino Ball Pythons - be it original or lavendar I be happy with either.
3. Spider Ball Pythons - thinner the pattern the better for me.
There are more but why be greedy, lol.
Hope in 5 years I will have some of these.
08-26-04, 09:57 PM
Top 5.
1) Snow
2) Albino
3) Pied
4) Spider
5) Pastel
I just love snows, I'm a fan of white snakes. Then Albinos because, well they're awesome! Then pieds, they're beautiful.
Spiders I can't find words to describe how I feel about them. And Pastels are just amazing.
Glad too see so much interest in Mojave's! They are killer looking in real life. Here a pic of my 02 male which I hope to breed this winter.
Thanks for looking
Markus Jayne
08-27-04, 09:22 AM
How about Caramel Albinos? One of my favs! This is our new boy!
For some real eye candy check-out the link for the new page I just did for Graziani Reptiles.
Morph Page (
08-27-04, 09:51 AM
Pied and Axanthics. Can't decide which I like more so how about someone make me an Axanthic pied please.
Awesome Caramel Mark! I think that maybe my next purchase once my wallet recovers from my Spider.
08-27-04, 10:59 AM
1. Piebald
2. Snow
3. Mojave
4. Jungle
There are too many nice ones to choose just one!
Kevin McRae
08-27-04, 12:32 PM
Very nice carmel...
08-27-04, 03:58 PM
For us, we'd have to say:
1. High contrast albino
2. Pied
3. Reduced Pattern
4. Green Head (NERD)
5. Axanthic
They are all awesome though, this is just my list for today. Hey, has anyone come up with a Pied Albino? Just curious :p
08-27-04, 04:37 PM
to my knowlege, there is not yet an albino pied, although a number of people are working on it and have produced double hets. its only a matter of time. . .
08-30-04, 01:28 PM
Snow and pied.
08-30-04, 02:02 PM
I would have too agree with Trevor here. Pied and Axanthics, and I cant wait too see them combined. A spider Axanthic would be interesting as well.
08-30-04, 03:58 PM
forgot bout the mojaves. I'd like to see an alb. mojave ;) But since Kara, (I think is her name) from NERD let me hold a 60k baby pied, almost pure white cept for the head, pieds are second to bar none in my book and snows are a close second with the mojaves. If anyone gets to look at the pied much less hold one, there an amazing sight to look at. Thanks NERD!
I have to go with the pied's on this one!! Getting to see one in person this week end at the red deer show was fantastic. Not to mention how Corey would readily offer to take it out for people to snap pictures as they drooled over the cage!! LOL. I can't wait to save up the money for a pair of het pieds or even het male, with possible het females. I'll be emailing or calling Corey when my bank account allows it.
On the other hand really all the morphs are beautiful and pictures surely don't do them justice! Corey had his pastels and ghosts and such on display, sorry I don't remember them all the pied had all my attention.. LOL..... :D To see them in person I am really looking forward to getting a male pastel from next years hatchlings, specially since my females are all so beautifull they would be great when bred to a pastel.
08-30-04, 08:39 PM
3)Low Contrast Albino
4)Orange Hypo
08-30-04, 10:50 PM
1. T+ albino
2. Blue-eyed leucistic (honestly I don't see what the big deal is with those black eyes, I like blue way better)
3. Mojave
4. T- Albino
5. Pastel
08-30-04, 11:14 PM
Nita, This is off track but I noticed some of your BP's names are named after the Egyptian Gods? Looks like theres some Greek names there to ; ) I ask cause I'm a fan of Ancient Greece and Egypt.
Glad I'm not the only one to see pieds up close. Would feel kinda bad if noone had the opertunity to see one face-to-face much less hold one.
08-31-04, 04:27 AM
Pied fan here too. I hope to get myself a pair in the not too distant future. :D
Well, I like pastels, and I like mojaves, but I like a cross of the two even better :P
Zero: Yeah I tend to go with the mythology. Any mythology but I really like egyptian history, mythology the whole ancient culture. I named my other two new ones Pytho and Melusine. My husband figured I was running out of names wich I am :) but Pytho was a god, can't remember where and Melusine was a fairy queen who was also a Naga, half serpent. I love having world wide searches at my finger tips makes name finding quite easy!! LOL.
09-01-04, 02:52 PM
1- Pied
2-high contrast albino
09-01-04, 03:03 PM
1- Pied
2-high contrast albino
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