View Full Version : Classifieds Announcement: Exciting Changes!

08-25-04, 08:10 PM
As anyone who uses them knows, the classifieds can be a bit much, so effective as of the coming month (Septmeber), the classified sections will be wiped clean on the first of each month. We hope this will help things become sorted out and easier to work :)

If you are not familiar with the Classified rules, please take time to become aquainted with them below...

<center>sSnakeSs.com Classified Forum Rules.</center>

Do NOT post more then 1 ad for each species of animal(s) you have for sale.

You may post your animal for sale ONCE in the month. If you post the same animal for sale more then once in the month, your ad will be taken down.

Do NOT reply to your own threads to move your post up, you may reply only to update the ad in the event something changes (price, etc. This DOES NOT include adding new pictures or saying that your animals are still available. If you want to post new pictures, use the Edit feature.) or to say that the animal(s) have been sold so we can remove it.

No 'blanket ads'. This means combining different types in to one ad, such as mixing lizards with snakes. Please post animals/products in their own appropriate forums.

Non-herp related products is strictly prohibited!

If you reply to your own ad it will be removed.

When your animal(s) has sold, please state that its been sold in the thread so the post can be deleted.

If you are a bigger breeder or sell alot of animals in our classifieds, it is encouraged that you support the site and buy a banner ad, make a donation and/or upgrade your photohosting account.

Animals to be advertised are limited to reptiles, amphibians, invertabrates, and feeders.

If you registered with a fake or unknown email adress i suggest you change it to one that you actually use or you wont get any emails from people inquiring about your animals.

Buy responsibly! sSNAKESs.com is not responsible for anything bought or sold in our classifieds.

10-22-04, 12:56 PM
Do NOT reply to your own threads to move your post up, you may reply only to update the ad in the event something changes (price, etc.) or to say that the animal(s) have been sold so we can remove it.

When your animal(s) has sold, please state that its been sold in the thread so the post can be deleted.

For a while the 'reply' feature had been disabled from posts, so the above rules had to be bent, and 'update' threads had to be made as a result. The 'reply' feature has been active again for quite some time now, so please no additional update threads. Reply to the original thread with changes that need to be made, such as the animal has been sold, or price changes. Thank you!