View Full Version : Boa breathing problem....

10-11-02, 04:59 PM
My friend's boa is three years old. She just went through a shed, and eats regularly. He said that it sounds like her breathing is labored when she's active, or that one of her nostrils is plugged. Is this common? What could be done about a plugged nose? Is it likely an RI?

p.s. He doesn't know any of the exact temps or humidity in the enclosure but does have a 8"x10" heat pad. I've told him to get the thermometers and etc so that he can get the enviroment under control. The boa is kept in a 36"(w)x18"(d)x30"(h) galss tank with a screen top.


10-11-02, 06:27 PM
I would take her to the vet ASAP

10-11-02, 07:35 PM
Without knowing the enviromental conditions of the animal in question,it is allmost impossible to say for sure what is hapening.
It could be as simple as a cloged nostril,or it could be stress from improper conditions,or the early stages of a RI.
As Mary said a trip to the vet should be made,and in the meantime a couple of thermometers and a humidity gauge would help greatly .You can be sure that the vet will ask how the boa is being kept and not knowing the exacts of the enviroment is not going to help much with the assesment.

Good luck and keep us informed:D

10-11-02, 08:05 PM
I've been telling him that ever since his Bp died a few months back, but he's too cheap to do anything about it.

I will have to club him on the side of the head if he doesn't take immediate action. There's just no excuse for not giving her the proper care.

Thanks for the replies guys. I'll keep you posted.

10-11-02, 09:57 PM
Christ!!! it's not like a thermometre and hydrometre are expensive. you can get them for 5 or 6 dollars. Way cheaper then replacing a snake.