View Full Version : ball python question

08-25-04, 03:26 PM
hi im thinking about geting a ball and i have some questions can u handel them pretty often and do they bite alot and how big are there teeth

08-25-04, 03:30 PM
I dont handle mine that much because I dont want to stress him out too much just incase he goes off feed. My BP book says that overhandleing these snakes can lead to this problem of going off feed. For the most part they would rather curl into a ball then bite you but there is always the exception. I suggest that you look up some caresheets and pick up the ball python manuel before you make a final decision. :)

08-25-04, 04:21 PM
I agree with CDN-Cresties. I don't handle my BP more than is necessary. Get yourself that manual it is filled with a plethora of information to help you with your choice.

08-25-04, 04:29 PM
I have never been bitten by mine but I see his teeth once and a while and they are not all that large but it would make you bleed if he gotcha.
They are pretty calm snakes and I handled mine like everyday or second day for a few moments a day when he was young and he has never refused a meal. I feed him like every 4 or 5 days as well.

08-26-04, 02:39 AM
Balls are pretty chilin when I watch the tube down stairs they are the only snakes i like to take out cause they dont move,
my corns cruise man they dont stop investigating it gets annoying when watching the tv heh, and when you say hold alot dont be crazy like that crazy girl on looney tunes but its kool to take them out. they dont bite i have never been bitt'n and you know its scared when it gets into a tight ball, usually just offspring due that but over time they chill, dont worry bout the teeth you aren't going to be bitt'n they are wussys

08-26-04, 10:32 AM
I've been bit, my own fault of course, just a hatchling it was cute. I handle the little ones more than the yearling just to calm them down and develop the "trust" (not the most accurate word but possibly the best option) that does allow handling without stressing.

08-26-04, 02:50 PM
I have two and I take them out all the time, probably every night.
They thrive on it and eat like pigs.
In my opinion they are the snake least likely to bite as I have owned several and seen so many. I have only ever come across one real nasty one.

08-26-04, 02:52 PM
this post actually got moved over from general discussion and he already posted this in here but i'll repost my reply:

Yes, a good care sheet should answer many questions!

You can handle them fairly often, except when you first get them they should be left alone for at least a week minimum. Also they should not be handled for a day or two after eating.

They typically don't bite, unless you smell like food at all or do something to spook them. They are usually very calm & friendly, some more than others. Most are head shy.

Their teeth are small, i have no idea how big, and they have lots. I've never heard that question before...... lol

A baby ball python should be housed in a rubbermaid, and some keep them in rubbermaids for their whole lives........but if you want it out for show in a tank, once it reaches 2 years or so and is close to full grown, you can put it in a 33-50 gallon tank and there it can stay happily for it's life.

Yes, they will reach about 5-6 feet.

Keep in mind that this snake SHOULD live to be well over 40 years old, and if this is your first snake, I would have to say that a corn snake would be a much better starter (and there's so many different colours! oooooooo!)

good luck, and keep reading up on them before you decide!


09-01-04, 05:54 AM
My bp is 10 months old...and he has never tried to bite me. He has "striked" out, but that was more when I first got him and I startled him by walking by the tank (and we made that a low traffic area until he settled in). He did try and strike out at the vet and her assistant a few weeks ago, but they were getting a fecal sample from him and I can't say as I blamed him in the least!

As for teeth...small, but they are sharp little suckers. I was giving him his panacur (result of above mentioned fecal sample) and got my finger on one of them...pin prick of blood.

Mine doesn't mind being held that much anymore. And for two days before and 3 days after feeding, he doesn't get held at all. He eats beautifully for me too...so I guess it depends on your snake's personality.


09-01-04, 10:06 PM
I have a juvenile BP that is awesome. Very light gold normal. He is very timid and shy and has never bitten me. Came close once as I dropped the rat out of the feeding tongs and he started coming towards my hand and quickly did this crazy 180 to grabbed the rat as I was picking him back up. Leave him alone for a couple weeks when you first get him and wait 2 days after he feeds. And when you do handle him don't handle him for long periods of time at first. I held mine once after a day of moving and he defecated all over me. As to size, I would say 5-6 feet is on the huge end for a ball python. Expect 3.5-5 feet. Average is about 4 i'd say. Although over 6 is not unheard of if it grew past 6 consider urself lucky. And the longest living BP ever is something like 49 years or in the high forties somwhere. Don't expect him to live 40 years. Maybe around 20. This all depends on how well they are kept though. Read http://www.vpi.com/8VPICareSheets/Pythons/BallPythonCare/ballCareSheet.htm for more info
